Brussels refuses to host Belgium-Israel match to avoid pro-Gaza protests

City authorities say holding match while Israel's carnage continues in besieged Gaza will spark demonstrations, which would compromise security.

The city of Louvain has already said it would not host the match either. / Photo: AP Archive
AP Archive

The city of Louvain has already said it would not host the match either. / Photo: AP Archive

Brussels has refused to host a Nations League match between Israel and Belgium slated for September 6 because it could spark demonstrations, city authorities said.

They said on Wednesday holding such a match while the war in besieged Gaza was continuing "will undoubtedly provoke large demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, compromising the safety of spectators, players, Brussels residents and also the police".

The Belgian Football Federation (URBSFA) said it would have accepted that the match at the King Baudouin Stadium take place behind closed doors, but it deeply regretted that the Belgian capital had refused to host the game at all.

"We deplore the decision taken by the City of Brussels — which has a lot of experience of organising big events — to not organise the match in our stronghold," the federation said.

The federation said it was in contact with several cities and the security services about finding an alternative venue.

The city of Louvain has already said it would not host the match either.

A spokesperson for the Israeli football federation, Shlomi Barzel, told the AFP news agency: "This is a matter concerning Belgium, it's not our problem".

France and Italy are in the same Nations League Group A2 as Belgium and Israel.

Pro-Palestine protests

Pro-Palestine protests have rocked many Western countries since the start of Israel's genocidal war in besieged Gaza.

Last month, Belgium's University of Ghent severed ties with three Israeli educational and research institutions during pro-Palestine protests on campus, citing misalignment with its human rights policy.

Israel has killed nearly 37,400 Palestinians and wounded over 85,400 in its war in the blockaded enclave so far.

Most of Gaza has been reduced to ruins, while Israel's war has caused a shortage of basic necessities, including food, water, electricity and medicine.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice.

Route 6