Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger condemn Ukraine’s alleged role in Sahel attacks

The Sahel states have petitioned the UNSC to look into Kiev's role in deadly July attacks by Tuareg separatist rebels in Mali.

Soldiers mourning the deaths of Malian soldiers who were killed in militant attacks in September of 2020. / Photo: Reuters Archive
Reuters Archive

Soldiers mourning the deaths of Malian soldiers who were killed in militant attacks in September of 2020. / Photo: Reuters Archive

Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger petitioned the president of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to denounce the Ukrainian government's “open and assumed support for international terrorism” particularly in Africa’s Sahel region.

In a joint letter, the three countries’ foreign ministers said on Tuesday that their governments were shocked by the comments of Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for Ukrainian military intelligence, “admitting Ukraine's role in the cowardly, barbaric and criminal attacks” between July 24 and 26.

The move follows recent comments by Ukrainian officials suggesting that Kiev had played a role in attacks by Tuareg separatist rebels that caused the deaths of many Malian soldiers last month in the northeastern village of Tinzawaten on the border with Algeria.

It added that the remarks were confirmed by Yurii Pyvovarov, Ukraine’s ambassador to Senegal.

Yusov said the rebels received “the necessary information they needed” to conduct the attacks after Malian army allies of Russia’s Wagner Group confirmed “losses” in the clashes.

The letter called on the Security Council to “take appropriate measures against these subversive actions which strengthen terrorist groups in Africa.”

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It said the official’s comments go beyond the scope of foreign interference, which is condemnable itself.

“This is official and unequivocal support by the Ukrainian government for terrorism in Africa, particularly in the Sahel. These acts also constitute a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our States, a clear aggression and support for international terrorism, in flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations and the relevant international conventions,” the letter says in part.

The three countries have signed a defence pact under their formation called the Confederation of Sahel States.

The Tinzawaten area has been a battleground between separatist forces and the Malian army over the past decade.

Mali and Niger earlier this month severed diplomatic relations with Ukraine, citing comments by the Ukrainian military official suggesting that Kiev played a role in the July attacks.

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