Three-way talks over Nile dam fail in Kinshasa

Talks between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on Addis Ababa's contested dam on river Nile conclude without breakthrough in capital of Democratic Republic of Congo.

The talks were hosted by DRC President Felix Tshisekedi as chairman of the African Union.

The talks were hosted by DRC President Felix Tshisekedi as chairman of the African Union.

Egypt and Sudan have said that the latest round of talks with Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Kinshasa ended with no progress made.

Delegations from the three countries were meeting in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday hoping to break a deadlock in negotiations over a project Ethiopia says is key to its economic development and power generation.

Egypt fears the dam will imperil its supplies of Nile water, while Sudan is concerned about the dam's safety and water flows through its own dams and water stations.

Before the meetings began, Egypt had said they represented the last chance to re-start negotiations before Ethiopia begins to fill the dam for the second year in a row after seasonal rains begin this summer.

Sudan's Foreign Minister Mariam al Sadig al Mahdi told reporters on Tuesday that Ethiopia's insistence on such unilateral moves represents a violation of international law.

"This Ethiopian intransigence requires Sudan to consider all possible options to protect its security and its citizens," the Sudanese irrigation and water resources ministry said in a statement.

Ethiopian Water Minister Seleshi Bekele did not respond to texts and calls seeking comment.

READ MORE: Sudan voices frustration as three-nation talks on Nile dam stall


Ethiopia rejects proposal

Sudan and Egypt were aligned on a proposal to include the European Union, United States and United Nations in the negotiations, as an addition to current African Union mediators.

Both countries said Ethiopia rejected the proposal during the meeting, as well as other suggestions to re-start negotiations.

"This position reveals once again Ethiopia's lack of political will to negotiate in good faith," Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Sudan, which is also locked in a border dispute with Ethiopia, had hosted Egypt for air force training exercises that concluded on Saturday.

Last week, Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al Sisi said there would be "inconceivable instability in the region" if Egypt's water supply were affected by the dam.

"Without a new approach to negotiations, there becomes space for Ethiopia to impose a fait accompli and put all the peoples of the region in grave danger," said Sudan's al Mahdi.

READ MORE: Is Ethiopia bluffing or truly filling its dam on the Nile River?

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