Pakistan targets terror hideout after deadly bomb attack

Islamabad says the army killed over 10 terrorists in the same area where the explosive detonated and killed Pakistani soldiers.

Tensions are running high between Pakistan and Afghanistan over terrorism. / Photo: Reuters Archive
Reuters Archive

Tensions are running high between Pakistan and Afghanistan over terrorism. / Photo: Reuters Archive

Pakistani security forces raided a terror group's hideout, killing 11 in an overnight operation in a former stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban in the restive northwest, authorities have said.

The intelligence-based raid was in retaliation to Sunday’s roadside bombing that killed seven soldiers in the same Lakki Marwat district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, bordering Afghanistan, the military said in a statement on Tuesday.

It added the operation is still ongoing "to eliminate any other terrorist found in the area” and that security forces were “determined to wipe out the menace of terrorism" in Pakistan.

No one has claimed Sunday’s attack, however, blame is likely to fall on Pakistani Taliban, known as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan or TTP, an ally of the Afghan Taliban but is a separate group.

It has stepped up its assaults in the region since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in 2021.

Pakistani officials often accuse Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers of giving shelter to TTP terrorists, a charge that Kabul repeatedly denies.

Pakistani Taliban says it is not using Afghan soil for attacks in Pakistan.

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Bomb attack targets Pakistan, killing several soldiers

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