Pakistani security forces kill 9 insurgents in the restive northwest

Troops seize weapons and ammunition from the insurgents’ hideout after the shootout in Bajur, a district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Pakistan military has provided no details about the slain miliiants, including their affiliation. / Photo: Reuters / Photo: Reuters Archive
Reuters Archive

Pakistan military has provided no details about the slain miliiants, including their affiliation. / Photo: Reuters / Photo: Reuters Archive

Pakistani security forces killed nine insurgents in a shootout overnight in a former stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban in the volatile northwestern region that borders Afghanistan, the military said on Thursday.

Troops also seized weapons and ammunition from the insurgents’ hideout after the shootout in Bajur, a district in Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The military's statement provided no details about the slain militants, including their affiliation.

However, such operations often target the Pakistani Taliban, who are known as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan or TTP. Bajur was a base for the militants until many were killed or forced out in multiple operations by security forces.

The TTP is a separate group but a close ally of the Afghan Taliban, who seized power in neighbouring Afghanistan in 2021. The Taliban takeover next door has emboldened the Pakistani Taliban who have stepped up attacks on Pakistani forces.

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