Schools shut in Pakistani city amid high smog
In recent years, smog has become a problem for some cities in Pakistan and neighboring India due to industrial and transport pollution and the practice by farmers to burn stubble crop.

A file photo shows the growing problem of smog in the city of Lahore.
A pall of smog descended on Pakistan’s second-largest city of Lahore on Wednesday, enveloping its historic monuments in a haze, leaving people with itchy eyes and forcing authorities to suspend school, according to local media reports.
In recent years, smog has become a problem for some cities in Pakistan and neighboring India due to industrial and transport pollution and practice of farmers to burn stubble crop.
Earlier this week, Indian authorities had to declare a public emergency after pollution level in New Delhi became so high that experts said it was like smoking up to 50 cigarettes a day.
In Lahore on Wednesday, micro air pollutants reached Air Quality Index (AQI) level of 500 - a situation where it's considered hazardous for humans to breath.
Alert: At this time, the U.S. Consulate General Lahore’s AQI monitor is reporting PM2.5 pollutants at over 500. Other monitors in the city are reporting even higher levels.
— US Consulate Lahore (@USCGLahore) November 6, 2019
This is an extremely hazardous level.#LahoreSmog
People on Twitter complained that they were having difficulty breathing and many wondered why the authorities weren’t declaring an emergency to address the issue.
There was concern that some politicians were giving a political color to an environmental issue by blaming India for the smog.
Is this a government or a joke first the dengue, because of their negligence goes to extreme level and now smog going to next level even schools are close tomorrow. People are suffering so badly and our climate minister is busy in blaming India on this. #LahoreSmog
— Muhammad Usama Tahir (@UsamaMughal59) November 6, 2019
Just this week three Pakistani teenagers took the government to court over high pollution, drawing attention to a recurring problem that hasn't been a high priority for officials despite several warnings from health practitioners.