Guyana's indigenous women embrace drones and data to fight climate crisis

Women from Guyana take the lead in the fight against climate change, utilising drones and data. They scan mangroves, sample soil, and measure carbon levels.

“Kokers” prevent the Atlantic Ocean from flooding Guyana. Photo: AP.

“Kokers” prevent the Atlantic Ocean from flooding Guyana. Photo: AP.

A small group of Indigenous women in northern Guyana are the latest weapon in the fight against climate crisis in this South American country where 90 percent of the population lives below sea level.

Armed with drones, the women are scanning mangrove forests for illegal cutting and expect to soon start collecting soil samples and mangrove litter to measure the carbon held in remote coastal ecosystems that have long been out of reach for scientists. Such data could nudge the government to create policies and programs to protect critical areas.

“We are merging traditional knowledge and scientific research to get all this information that we need but never had before and couldn’t afford to get,” said Annette Arjoon-Martins, head of Guyana’s Marine Conservation Society.

The women’s work is considered key for Guyana, a small nation about the size of Britain that has 459 kilometres of coastline whose coastal plains lie an average of 2 metres below sea level.

The coastline depends on a centuries-old sea defence system created by the Dutch during the colonial era. It includes a 450-kilometre seawall and relies on dozens of workers who set alarms night and day to manually open and close sluice gates known as “kokers” that prevent the Atlantic Ocean from flooding Guyana.

By the mid-1990s, the Inter-American Development Bank was already advising Guyana to relocate communities inland since most of its 791,000 people live along the coast, and much of its economic activity and agriculture are based there. But people have been reluctant to leave.


Guyana's sea level rise has tracked the global average of 4 mm per year for 30 years.

The community of Almond Beach in northern Guyana was forced to relocate several years ago after the ocean swallowed line after line of palm trees and began to lap at the school and other infrastructure, Arjoon-Martins said. Some 280 people once lived there; barely three dozen remain after a swath of land slipped underwater, she said.

Environmentalists say the work of the young Amerindian women will help them understand the challenges Guyana faces and what it can do to fight climate change as it prepares to become one of the world's largest offshore oil producers.

By the end of the year, the women hope to start collecting data on how much carbon the coastal ecosystems around their villages are storing.

“We’ve never done a blue carbon baseline in Guyana before,” Arjoon-Martins said. “We want to quantify how much carbon this entire landscape stores, not just the trees .”

Knowing the baseline would help boost the protection of that area and possibly lead to similar programs like the low-carbon development strategy launched in 2009 to protect Guyana's forests, which cover nearly 90% of the country. That year, Norway signed a deal to provide $250 million in funding to ensure that Guyana's 18 million hectares of forest remain intact. In December, Hess Corporation agreed to buy $750 million worth of carbon credits to protect those forests.


Lying at an average of two metres below sea level, most parts of Guyana is prone to flooding.

The indigenous women are gathering data and images at a crucial moment: Guyana is in the midst of an oil boom expected to make it the world’s fourth-largest offshore oil producer, raising concerns about potential oil spills and the oil’s contribution to the same climate crisis that threatens its existence.

'If you sleep on the job, you get flood'

Protecting and planting natural buffers like mangroves are key since rising sea levels and coastal flooding are a big concern in Guyana, whose name means “land of many waters.” Sea level rise here has been in line with the global average of 4 millimetres a year over the past 30 years, according to Steve Nerem, a sea level rise expert at the University of Colorado.

The narrow coastal strip where most people live and grow crops represents only 5% of Guyana’s territory and is intersected by three large rivers, according to a study published by professors at the University of Western Ontario.

The area has been affected by rainfall patterns that have changed and hit Guyana's rice industry particularly hard, said Ulric Trotz, former deputy director at Belize’s Caribbean Community Climate Change Center.

“It’s leading to flooding, landslides and destruction of crops,” he said.

Major flooding events that Trotz attributes to climate change have been reported across Guyana in recent years, including in Mahaicony, southeast of the capital of Georgetown, where saltwater inundated swaths of farmland nearly two years ago, rendering it useless.

The magnitude of the floods, coupled with high tides, overwhelm the sluice gates and colonial-era seawall, but Arjune Lilmohan, 32, said he is not giving up the fight. Like dozens of other workers, he said he sets his alarm in the middle of the night to open and close the koker in his community because it’s his responsibility to protect Guyana from the Atlantic Ocean.

“If you sleep on the job, you get flood,” he said.

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