Turkish defence giant Aselsan targets top 30 global ranking

"Towards that goal, we are working day and night to ensure our success," says CEO Ahmet Akyol.

“Aselsan has reached an annual revenue of $2.5 billion, with offices, factories, and operations in 18 different countries, while boasting 16 subsidiaries in Türkiye,” boasts CEO Ahmet Akyol. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

“Aselsan has reached an annual revenue of $2.5 billion, with offices, factories, and operations in 18 different countries, while boasting 16 subsidiaries in Türkiye,” boasts CEO Ahmet Akyol. / Photo: AA Archive

Turkish military provider Aselsan is aspiring to rank among the top defence companies worldwide by 2030 through technology roadmaps, faster operation, digital transformation, and more.

“The aim of our 2030 program is to place Aselsan among the top 30 defence firms worldwide from its current position of 47 within seven years,” said CEO Ahmet Akyol, as Aselsan made its debut at the Farnborough International Airshow in the United Kingdom.

"Towards that goal, we are working day and night to ensure our success," Akyol added.

The defence firm showcased more than 50 products in six different categories at Farnborough, including avionic systems, electronic warfare solutions, electro-optical cameras, radar systems, and communications technologies.

Aselsan, established 49 years ago, is one of Türkiye’s leading defence companies, providing solutions for land and sea platforms to their country’s armed forces and other clients worldwide.

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Significant progress in aviation

Speaking to reporters at the event, Akyol highlighted that Aselsan makes strategic investments to contribute to the Turkish economy with the firm’s high-tech production.

“We export products worth $2,000 per kilogram, and our investments boost Türkiye’s international cooperation,” he noted.

“Aselsan has reached an annual revenue of $2.5 billion, with offices, factories, and operations in 18 different countries, while boasting 16 subsidiaries in Türkiye,” the CEO said, adding that Aselsan will continue strides to achieve its targets with a high-tech and innovation-oriented approach.

Akyol further noted that Türkiye has made significant progress in aviation in recent years, reaching a point where the nation now exports unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), helicopters, airplanes, and even homegrown satellites, with the active participation and collaboration of Aselsan.

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