Turkish documentary festival attracts 300 submissions from nine countries

With the theme "Freedom for the Oppressed," the Turkish World Documentary Film Festival aims to promote unity and cultural expression.

The gala and award ceremony are scheduled for October 11, with screenings planned in several cities. / Photo: AP Archive
AP Archive

The gala and award ceremony are scheduled for October 11, with screenings planned in several cities. / Photo: AP Archive

The 9th Turkish World Documentary Film Festival has garnered significant attention, drawing 300 submissions from nine countries.

This year, the festival aims to promote unity and cultural expression through the theme “Freedom for the Oppressed.” Ten films will receive recognition in various award categories, including long, short, and student documentaries.

Submissions flowed in from Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Hungary, and North Macedonia.

The festival's opening ceremony will be held at the International Organisation of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) headquarters in the Turkish capital Ankara.

The winners will be determined by a panel of judges including documentary filmmakers and academics from the Turkic world. The jury will convene online on September 14 to finalise the selections.

The gala and award ceremony are scheduled for October 11, with screenings planned in several cities. The festival will conclude on November 15 with a closing ceremony and the announcement of the final results.

The festival was spearheaded by the Turkic World Journalists Federation and supported by Türkiye’s Culture and Tourism Ministry, TURKSOY, Turkic World Municipalities Union, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency, and Türkiye's Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities.

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