Which AI translator is best — Alibaba’s Marco MT, Google, ChatGPT or DeepL?

Alibaba’s latest translation tool, Marco MT, enters the AI landscape, claiming to surpass established rivals like Google Translate, ChatGPT, and DeepL in accuracy and efficiency.

Alibaba claims its new AI tool is better than competitors but experts caution that performance varies depending on the testing environment.  Photo montage: TRT World 

Alibaba claims its new AI tool is better than competitors but experts caution that performance varies depending on the testing environment.  Photo montage: TRT World 

The Chinese tech giant Alibaba rolled out the updated version of Marco MT on Wednesday, building on its earlier release a year ago. Launched by Alibaba’s international digital commerce division, the tool positions the company as a serious contender in the global AI landscape.

The Chinese firm claimed that Macro MT outperforms its more established rivals such as Google Translate, DeepL, and ChatGPT, citing an assessment of its updated model by translation benchmark framework Flores.

Alibaba’s rapidly expanding international division released the new version of the AI translation tool, building upon its original product release from around a year ago. Designed to facilitate cross-border e-commerce, the tool helps sellers craft product listings in the target language of foreign markets.

Alibaba’s translation tool is based on its own AI model called Qwen ( Tongyi Qianwen). Currently supporting 15 languages—Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian—the tool aims to ease linguistic barriers that impede international trade.

While Alibaba claims its new AI tool is better than competitors, experts caution that performance varies depending on the testing environment.

“Alibaba’s claim is a big statement,” Aurelien Rigart, managing director and co-founder of Shanghai-based IT Consultis, tells TRT World. Rigart notes that while translation tools are advancing rapidly, their specific use cases often matter more than marginal differences in accuracy.

“Each company will have its own tests, benchmarks, and hypotheses that can highlight its strengths, so the results can vary based on the testing methods and the languages involved,” he adds.

Alibaba’s announcement of Marco-MT comes at a time when the world of AI-powered translation is witnessing rapid evolution, with big tech firms consistently pushing the envelope in language processing capabilities.

These advancements have made it easier for people from different parts of the world to communicate and exchange information, fueling global commerce and bridging cultural gaps. AI-driven translation tools are becoming essential for businesses, streamlining cross-border interactions and helping companies tap into international markets.

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Tailored for E-commerce

Marco MT’s strength lies in its focus on business-specific translations tailored for e-commerce.

Alibaba, leveraging vast data from its global operations, fine-tuned the tool to serve merchants better. Kaifu Zhang, vice president of Alibaba International Digital Commerce Group, emphasised that the tool’s goal is to help merchants communicate effectively in foreign markets, boosting their chances of success.

Zhang, who leads a team of over 100 engineers developing AI tools for e-commerce, believes Marco MT can increase orders by up to 30 percent, based on internal testing results. Unlike Google Translate or ChatGPT, which cater to broader audiences, Marco MT focuses on reducing human intervention by delivering contextually accurate translations with minimal edits needed.

"My primary focus during the first year was to identify potential use cases for AI," Zhang said in a previous July interview with the Wall Street Journal.

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A Strategic Focus on Türkiye

Supporting Turkish as one of the 15 launch languages underscores Alibaba’s strategic focus on Türkiye, a vital market for the company. Through platforms like AliExpress and its major stake in Trendyol, Alibaba is deeply invested in the region.

Marco MT is based on large language models, enabling it to leverage contextual information, such as cultural references or industry-specific jargon, Zhang, also the head of Alibaba’s AI initiative, told CNBC in a recent interview.

This tailored approach is also relevant for Turkish businesses involved in global trade, as the country’s strategic position between Europe and Asia creates a growing demand for efficient, multilingual tools that can navigate diverse markets, say analysts.

“It’s also worth noting that in many regions, the dominance of the big tech players like GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft) isn’t as pronounced. The availability of alternative tools is a welcome development for businesses in these markets, offering them a localized and effective solution,” says Rigart of IT Consultis.

Alibaba Group is increasingly focused on the Turkish market, where its AliExpress platform has established a significant presence.

In September 2023, Alibaba announced a $2 billion investment plan in Türkiye following a meeting between the firm's president, Michael Evans, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Istanbul.

The company is positioning itself to leverage AI tools like Marco MT for further growth in Türkiye.

The new AI tool could also offer a competitive edge for Turkish e-commerce businesses, many of whom export products to the Middle East, Europe, and beyond, by providing accurate translations in languages such as Arabic and Russian, streamlining communication with traders, boosting sales, and reducing the risk of miscommunication.

This move aligns with Alibaba’s broader AI strategy to enhance global e-commerce.

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A cross-border focus

The Marco MT launch is part of a wider effort by Alibaba to embed AI across its e-commerce ecosystem. The tool is already integrated with Alibaba’s cloud services, giving businesses in markets like Türkiye access to its capabilities. This targeted approach differentiates Marco MT from other AI tools like Google Translate or DeepL, which, while powerful, are not optimised for the specific needs of online retailers.

With 500,000 merchants already using Alibaba’s AI tools, the company’s investment in technologies like Marco MT highlights a growing trend—AI tools are getting attention in the global marketplace.

Rigart says that Alibaba having the opportunity to support these tools can not only help strengthen global business connections but also open the door for more efficient communication and collaboration between GAFAM and non-GAFAM regions.

“If Marco MT is genuinely better at contextual translation and handling industry-specific terms, it could offer significant value by enhancing the cross-border e-commerce experience for both merchants and consumers, particularly those operating on its platforms.”

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