UK actors, writers expose 'systemic racism' over Abbott treatment

In an open letter, Black actors, writers and broadcasters say lawmaker Diane Abbott's treatment by Labour Party indicate "systemic racism" and a "determination to humiliate her."

Diane Abbott is the UK's first Black female member of parliament. / Photo: AP Archive
AP Archive

Diane Abbott is the UK's first Black female member of parliament. / Photo: AP Archive

Prominent Black Britons have criticised the opposition Labour Party's treatment of Britain's first Black woman lawmaker after a row over whether she could stand as a candidate overshadowed the election campaign.

Diane Abbott, Britain's longest serving Black member of parliament who was first elected in 1987, had been suspended by the party for over a year after she said Jewish, Irish and Traveller people did not face racism all their lives.

Abbott, who apologised for the remarks, was reinstated to the party this week but media reports have said she will be barred from running in her northeast London district in Britain's parliamentary election on July 4.

Black actors, writers and broadcasters signed an open letter on Friday stating that Abbott's treatment, with an investigation taking over a year, indicated "systemic racism" and a "determination to humiliate her."

"Coming from a community where discrimination is a daily reality, we know unfairness when we see it," it said.

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Starmer, the country's former chief prosecutor, took over the Labour leadership in April 2020.

The signatories to the letter, including actors Lenny Henry and David Harewood, author Yemi Adegoke, and broadcaster Afua Hirsh, said Labour seemed to have made a strategic decision that "the black and brown vote doesn't matter," but said their loyalty was not unconditional.

Labour didn't immediately respond to a request for comment on the letter, but soon after the backlash, Starmer told reporters while on a campaign trip to Scotland that Abbott is "free" to stand as a Labour candidate in the election on July 4.

"She has carved a path for other people to come into politics and public life," he said.

Labour is leading Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party by around 20 points in opinion polls. The deadline for nominations closes on June 7, though Labour is expected to announce its candidates before that.

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