UN urges Tunisia to end expulsion of asylum seekers into desert border areas

Hundreds are reportedly "stranded in extremely dire conditions," warns UN spokesperson, while organisations in Libya say at least 17 asylum seekers have died in the last three weeks.

The Libyan government of Tripoli has meanwhile made it known that it rejects "resettlement" on its territory of migrants arriving from Tunisia. / Photo: AFP

The Libyan government of Tripoli has meanwhile made it known that it rejects "resettlement" on its territory of migrants arriving from Tunisia. / Photo: AFP

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for Tunisia to stop expelling irregular migrants into desert border areas, and demanded those already stranded in the harsh environment be relocated, a spokesperson said.

"We are deeply concerned about the expulsion of migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers from Tunisia to the borders with Libya and also Algeria," deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq said on Tuesday.

He warned that "several have died" at Tunisia's border with Libya, while "hundreds, including pregnant women and children, reportedly remain stranded in extremely dire conditions with little access to food and water."

In recent days, hundreds of refugees have arrived daily in Libya after being abandoned in the desert borderland by Tunisian security forces, Libyan border guards and the migrants themselves have reported.

The Libyan government of Tripoli has meanwhile made it known that it rejects "resettlement" on its territory of refugees arriving from Tunisia.

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By the time they reach Libya, the asylum seekers from sub-Saharan Africa are ready to drop from exhaustion, in temperatures that have exceeded 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

According to humanitarian organisations in Libya contacted by AFP, at least 17 irregular migrants have died in the last three weeks.

Tunisia is a major gateway for migrants and asylum-seekers attempting perilous sea voyages in hopes of a better life in Europe, whose leaders have offered financial aid to help Tunisia manage the flow.

On Thursday, a joint statement from UN agencies referred to the "unfolding tragedy" of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Tunisia's border regions.

"We reiterate the call made by the UN Refugee Agency and the International Organization for Migration last week for an immediate end to these expulsions and the urgent relocation of those stranded along the border to safe locations," Haq said on Tuesday.

He added that "all migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers must be protected and treated with dignity, in full respect for their human rights regardless of their status and in accordance with international human rights and refugee law."

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