US sanctions illegal settlers, Palestinians sceptic about impact

Palestinians have reported killings, destruction of property, verbal and physical harassment, restriction of movement, and daily intimidation by settlers.

Violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank has exploded since the start of Israel's war on Gaza. / Photo: AP

Violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank has exploded since the start of Israel's war on Gaza. / Photo: AP

The US has imposed sanctions on Hilltop Youth, a group of extremist illegal settlers in the occupied West Bank but Palestinians say the sanctions have often been ineffective.

The State Department placed diplomatic sanctions on two men—Illegal Israeli settler Eitan Yardeni, for his connection to violence targeting West Bank civilians and Avichai Suissa, the leader of Hashomer Yosh, a sanctioned group that brings young volunteers to settler farms across the territory, including small farming outposts that rights groups say are the primary drivers of settler violence across the territory.

The sanctions, which expose people to asset freezes and travel and visa bans, come as violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank has exploded since the start of Israel's war on Gaza.

Palestinians report verbal and physical harassment, restriction of movement, and face intimidation by settlers circling their properties on motorbikes, cars or horses and spying via drones.

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The Treasury Department said Hilltop Youth has carried out killings and mass arson, while rights groups and Palestinians say the group is behind “price tag” attacks – attacks on Palestinian villages in retaliation for perceived efforts to hamper settlement construction.

The group may prove difficult to effectively sanction, as it is loosely organised and decentralized. In addition, Israel’s finance minister has previously vowed to intervene on sanctioned settlers’ behalf.

"These sanctions have no impact on those who attack us, kill us and burn our property", a Palestinian resident in the occupied West Bank says.

In the past, sanctioned settlers have told the AP that the measures have had little impact on their finances.

Hilltop Youth has already faced sanctions from the EU and UK.

The Biden administration has been criticised for imposing relatively few sanctions on Israeli extremists.

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