Russia's Putin says Zelenskyy a 'disgrace to Jewish people'

Putin's remarks at annual economic forum in Saint Petersburg causes uproar in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 16, 2023. / Photo: Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 16, 2023. / Photo: Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is Jewish, was a "disgrace" to people of his faith.

"I have a lot of Jewish friends," Putin told an annual economic forum in Saint Petersburg.

"They say that Zelenskyy is not Jewish, that he is a disgrace to the Jewish people. "I'm not joking," he added.

Moscow claims Ukraine's treatment of Russian speakers in the western-backed country is comparable to the actions of Nazi Germany.

These allegations have been contested by the Ukrainian government and the country's Jewish community.

Putin said Moscow "must fight" neo-Nazism, adding that Russia had suffered enormous losses during the country's fight against Nazi Germany in World War II.

"We will never forget it," Putin said. "Why is no one listening to us?"

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'Disgraceful move'

Putin's comments caused uproar in Ukraine.

Ukraine's chief rabbi said he was proud of Zelenskyy.

"And not only me. I think the whole world is proud of him," rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman told Ukrainian news agency UNIAN.

"He did not flee and is doing everything to help the Ukrainian people," he added.

The rabbi also said that there were no neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine.

"There are decent people in Ukraine who are protecting their homeland," he was quoted as saying.

Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist Victor Pinchuk, who stressed he was of Jewish heritage himself, said: "Today Zelenskyy is the embodiment of the fight for freedom. And freedom is one of the main values of the Jewish people."

The American Jewish Committee tweeted: "Putin's attempt to smear President Zelenskyy's Jewish heritage is a desperate and disgraceful move."

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