'Robust' force needed to fight gang violence in Haiti – UN

UN chief Antonio Guterres outlines two options to the Security Council – providing logistical support to a multinational force and Haiti's police and strengthening a UN political mission already in Haiti.

People protest for an end to gang violence, in Port-au-Prince / Photo: Reuters

People protest for an end to gang violence, in Port-au-Prince / Photo: Reuters

A "robust use of force" by a multinational police deployment and military assets is needed to restore law and order in Haiti and disarm gangs, UN chief Antonio Guterres has told the Security Council in a report seen by Reuters news agency.

Guterres's report was circulated to the 15-member council on Tuesday and outlined two potential UN options: providing logistical support to a multinational force and Haiti's police and strengthening a UN political mission already in Haiti.

"Haiti's current context is not conducive to peacekeeping," Guterres wrote, adding that law and order had to be restored, gangs disarmed, strategic installations and roadways secured, and a state presence re-established to provide basic services.

"Nothing short of the robust use of force, complemented by a suite of non-kinetic measures, by a capable specialised multinational police force enabled by military assets, coordinated with the national police, would be able to achieve these objectives," said Guterres, who visited Haiti last month.

Haiti last year asked for international help to combat violent gangs that have largely overrun the capital Port-au-Prince. Guterres suggested in October that countries send a "rapid action force" to support Haiti's police.

The council last month encouraged countries to provide security support and asked Guterres to report within 30 days on a full range of UN options, including backing for a non-UN multinational force or a possible peacekeeping operation.

UN peacekeepers were deployed to Haiti in 2004 after a rebellion led to the ouster and exile of then-president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Peacekeeping troops left in 2017 and were replaced by UN police, who left in 2019.

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'Act now'

Guterres again appealed for countries to "act now" to contribute to the deployment of a non-UN multinational force and for the Security Council to support such a move.

The United States has already said it is prepared to put forward a draft Security Council resolution to back a deployment.

Countries have been wary of supporting the unelected administration of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who has said fair elections cannot be held with the current insecurity.

Haiti has been without any elected representatives since January.

Kenya said last month it was ready to consider leading an international force and pledged to send 1,000 police officers.

Kenyan officials are due to travel to Haiti soon to assess the need for such a deployment.

The Bahamas has since committed 150 people if the United Nations authorises the force.

Guterres said Jamaica had also renewed its pledge to contribute to a force and he also welcomed announcements made by Antigua and Barbuda to consider contributing.

He urged member states, particularly in the Americas, "to continue to build on this new momentum."

Guterres cited the "extreme violence" of gang attacks.

"The capital is encircled by gangs and effectively cut off by road from the northern, southern and eastern parts of the country."

International security help should include safeguards to prevent abuses, Human Rights Watch said on Monday.

In his report, Guterres said any targeted operations against gangs must also protect people and respect human rights and due process.

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