Netanyahu’s Congress address signals prolonged Gaza occupation, experts say

Israeli Prime Minister's address in Washington, marked by a belligerent and misleading tone, has been criticised by observers as a tactic to undermine peace talks and consolidate support for Tel Aviv's ongoing war in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in Washington DC. / Photo: Reuters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in Washington DC. / Photo: Reuters

In his address to the US Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a high-stakes bid to redefine the narrative of the Gaza war, igniting a firestorm of controversy and uproar in its wake.

Observers say Netanyahu's speech on Wednesday was a declaration of Israel's intentions, pledging to persist in the war against Gaza until "total victory" is achieved. His uncompromising stance is being seen as a strategic manoeuvre designed to shift the discourse and pre-empt mounting criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Professor Nizar Farsakh from George Washington University gave TRT World an insight into Netanyahu's rhetoric, suggesting it forms part of a broader strategy to control the narrative.

"Netanyahu is attempting to alter the narrative here," Farsakh explained.

"He aims to pre-empt criticism about Gaza by portraying pro-Palestinian protesters as 'useful idiots' of Iran, labelling them as naive and uninformed. This strategy allows him to position himself as the figure in command, certain that his approach represents the best possible solution."

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Delegitimising ceasefire talks

The implications of Netanyahu's speech reach beyond mere rhetoric and are seen as an attempt to undermine the ongoing peace process. Farsakh observed that Netanyahu's proposal appears to be a calculated move to delegitimise the negotiations, which are aimed to resolve the conflict.

"He is clearly trying to undermine the peace process and delegitimise the current talks intended to achieve a ceasefire in the besieged enclave," Farsakh said. "By setting such conditions, Netanyahu effectively dismisses any genuine attempts at reconciliation."

Dr Samuel Greenfield, an international relations analyst with extensive experience in conflict studies, shared his perspective with TRT World over phone from California. He remarked that Netanyahu's speech offered no indication that Israel’s campaign in Gaza is nearing its end.

"Netanyahu’s insistence on maintaining a military presence in Gaza signifies that the occupation will persist," he noted. "Such a stance is unacceptable to the other side and something Palestinians would never consent to. It demonstrates a blatant disregard for their aspirations and rights."


Netanyahu's aggressive stance during his US Congress address is seen as a strategic move to bolster support for Israel’s actions in Gaza while sidelining international peace efforts

"War criminal" and "liar"

Greenfield further ellaborated that Netanyahu’s approach might be intended to obstruct any meaningful progress.

"What Netanyahu is suggesting," he said, "is a tactic to drag his feet on the peace process and ceasefire, thereby prolonging the conflict. Essentially, he is implying that the occupation of Gaza could become an official and enduring reality."

"Even within Israel, Netanyahu's speech wasn't well received. Israeli opposition leader (Yair) Lapid criticised the address to the US Congress as 'disgraceful'. That tells you something," Greenfield added.

While expectations for Netanyahu's speech were modest, his aggressive posture from the pulpit of the US Congress is seen as part of a broader strategy to consolidate support for Israel's actions in Gaza.

Both US Senator Bernie Sanders and Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi sharply criticised Netanyahu's address to Congress.

Sanders denounced Netanyahu as a "war criminal" and "liar," accusing his government of blocking aid and causing widespread starvation in Gaza. Pelosi condemned the speech as the "worst" by any foreign dignitary and urged Netanyahu to focus on a cease-fire.

"Netanyahu's approach is not solely about current military objectives but about setting the stage for continued control over Gaza," Farsakh concluded.

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