Tuning the Brain with Music | Storyteller

This film delves into cutting-edge neuroscientific research through the stories of people for whom music has succeeded where other therapies have failed.

Tuning the Brain with Music

Tuning the Brain with Music


[NOTE: Tuning the Brain with Music available until August 26, 2024.]

“Tuning the Brain with Music” is an amazing encounter between music and neurosciences as it unfolds through the moving stories of people whose lives and mental health have literally been saved by music.

Where does music live in the human brain? How and in what form, does a sound, a song, a musical piece become an embedded emotion, image, memory or unforgettable melody? How and why does music succeed, often very quickly, in transforming the physiology and neural connections of the human brain, from a baby in gestation to our last breath?

“Tuning the Brain with Music” is a documentary film that introduces us to the spectacular transformative powers that music has on the plasticity and anatomy of the human brain in a sustainable way. The stories at the heart of the film are many and varied: there are premature babies who in intensive care units are appeased by music therapy sessions; Canadian veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress that music has saved from suicide; autistic girls who have formed a rock band; survivors of cancer and stroke for whom music has been an integral part of their medical healing protocol; and homeless youth for whom music is their lifeline.

Storyteller airs every Sunday at 1800 GMT. Live stream: http://trt.world/ytlive

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