Live blog: G7 powers unite in supporting 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

Israel's war on Gaza, now in its 252nd day, has killed at least 37,266 Palestinians — 71% of them women, children and infants –– and wounded 85,102, with 10,000+ feared dead under debris and 9,500+ Palestinians abducted by Israel.

G7 calls for a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance. / Photo: AP

G7 calls for a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance. / Photo: AP

Friday, June 14, 2024

1809 GMT — The G7 leaders have announced that they are united in supporting an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza.

“We are united in supporting the comprehensive deal that has been put forward, that would lead to an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, and a credible pathway towards peace that leads to a two-state solution. We also call for a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance,” the leaders said in a joint statement.

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1913 GMT — Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades announce new attacks on Israeli forces in Gaza

The armed wing of the Hamas resistance group announced more attacks against Israeli soldiers across Gaza, claiming to kill and injure a number of them.

In a statement, al Qassam Brigades said it detonated a booby-trapped house with an Israeli force inside in the Zeitoun neighbourhood, eastern Gaza City, resulting in casualties among the force.

The statement noted that al Qassam Brigades' forces detected an Israeli helicopter that landed near the area to evacuate the casualties.

In another statement, al Qassam Brigades said it blew up a tunnel shaft in the eastern Zeitoun area, leaving casualties among Israeli soldiers.

In the southern city of Rafah, the group said it fired mortar shells on Israeli forces in the Tal al Sultan neighbourhood, western Rafah, and also targeted an Israeli tank in the same area with a rocket-propelled grenade.

1900 GMT — UN calls on Israel, Lebanon to 'exercise maximum restraint'

The UN called on all parties to "exercise maximum restraint" in response to Israeli soldiers allegedly attempting to start fires in southern Lebanon by launching fireballs with catapults.

"We are encouraging all parties to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any action or statement," deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said at a news conference.

Responding to an Anadolu question on the rising tensions at the Israel-Lebanon border after Israeli forces used bombs to target several towns in southern Lebanon, causing forest fires that spread and threatened residential areas, Haq also emphasised the need for the parties to cease hostilities and pursue a diplomatic solution under UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

1859 GMT — Turkish president discusses Gaza situation with Brazilian counterpart

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Italy, Türkiye's Communications Directorate has said.

"The meeting addressed relations between Türkiye and Brazil, Israel’s atrocities in Gaza and what must be done to stop them as well as global developments," the directorate said in a statement on X.

Underlining that Tel Aviv "has become increasingly isolated lately," Erdogan said "the pressure on Israel must be increased and sustained to end the oppression," the statement added.

1826 GMT — Rocket fired from south Lebanon hits building in Israeli settlement

A rocket launched from southern Lebanon has struck a building in the Shtula settlement in northern Israel, causing material damage but no casualties, the Israeli Army Radio has reported.

The Israeli army has identified approximately 60 rockets fired from southern Lebanon towards northern Israel since Friday morning, according to the report.

The attack follows Hezbollah's announcement of carrying out over 10 operations targeting Israeli settlements, military sites, and troop gatherings near the Lebanon border.


1728 GMT — Israeli army shoots child, arrests three Palestinians in West Bank

A Palestinian child was injured by Israeli army fire during a raid, and three Palestinians were detained during incursion into refugee camps in the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said in a statement that a critically injured 12-year-old boy with a bullet wound in his torso has been transported to a hospital.

The boy, who has yet to be identified, was hit by a bullet while Israeli soldiers were forcing their way into the al Amari camp in al Bireh city in the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli army stormed the al Amari camp and also raided the Um Alsharayet neighbourhood south of the city, eyewitnesses said.

1632 GMT — Israel targets Lebanon with phosphorus bombs, sparking blazes

Israel again has used phosphorus bombs to target several towns in southern Lebanon, causing forest fires that spread and threatening residential areas.

Israeli forces dropped phosphorus bombs on Houla, and the forest in the area caught fire, with civil defence teams working to extinguish the flames, which were spreading and reaching residential areas, Lebanon's official National News Agency reported.

Israeli forces also used phosphorus bombs to target the towns of Tallouseh, Adaisseh, and Kfarkela in southern Lebanon, with ambulances transporting victims suffering from suffocation to Marjayoun Governmental Hospital, the news agency added.

The army also targeted the outskirts of Aita al Shaab and Wadi al Asafir in Khiyam, as well as the towns of Deir Mimas and Kfarkela, with artillery fire, it said.

1649 GMT — Greek ship attacked by Houthis, crew rescued: UKMTO

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) has said the crew of the Tutor coal carrier had been evacuated by military authorities, referring to an incident that took place 66 nautical miles southwest of Yemen's Hodeidah on June 12.

The Greek-owned cargo ship "was abandoned and was drifting in vicinity of its last reported position," UKMTO added in an advisory note.

1504 GMT — Food supplies in southern Gaza at risk: UN official

Supplies of food to southern Gaza are at risk after Israel extended its military attacks and those displaced by the offensive there face a public health crisis, a senior United Nations official has said.

While hunger and the risk of famine have been most acute in northern Gaza in recent months, the situation is now deteriorating in the south, said Carl Skau, deputy director of the UN World Food Programme.

1451 GMT — Israeli air strike kills two hostages in Rafah

Hamas' armed wing al Qassam Brigades has said that two Israeli hostages held in Gaza were killed in an Israeli air strike on Rafah a few days ago.

The group, in a video posted on its Telegram channel, did not release the names of those said to have been killed or provide any evidence.

The Israeli government "does not want your hostages to return, except in coffins," the al Qassam Brigades statement said.

1429 GMT — Israeli opposition slams Netanyahu for using force in Gaza to free hostages

An Israeli opposition leader has slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's policy of using force in Gaza to free hostages, accusing him of prioritising his political interests over the lives of Israeli citizens, calling it an unrealistic approach.

"The truth must be told: The 'Iron Swords' war has no realistic goals," Yair Golan, leader of Israel's opposition Labour Party and a former deputy chief of staff of the Israeli army, said in a statement on X, referring to Israel's ongoing brutal attacks on Gaza,

1413 GMT — UN agencies must be allowed to work unhindered in Gaza: G7

G7 leaders have said the UN Palestinian refugee agency must be allowed to work unhindered in Gaza, in the draft of an end-of-summit statement seen by AFP.

"We agree it is critical that UNRWA and other UN organisations and agencies' distribution networks be fully able to deliver aid to those who need it most, fulfilling their mandate effectively," the Group of Seven nations said.

They called for all parties to facilitate "rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need" in Gaza, particularly women and children.

"Securing full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access in all its forms consistent with international humanitarian law, and through all relevant land crossing points, including the Rafah crossing, through maritime delivery routes, including through Ashdod Port and throughout all of Gaza remains an absolute priority," they said.

1355 GMT — Turkish, UAE presidents discuss 'genocidal policies' in Gaza

The Turkish president has met with his UAE counterpart in Italy as part of the G7 leaders summit, according to Türkiye's Communications Directorate.

During the meeting, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan discussed Türkiye-UAE relations, as well as regional and global issues.

Erdogan underlined that it is important for the Islamic world to oppose in unity the genocidal policies implemented by Israel in the Palestinian territories.

1300 GMT — US to impose sanctions on Israeli group that attacked Gaza aid

Washington will impose sanctions on an Israeli group for attacking humanitarian aid convoys bound for starving civilians in Gaza, US officials have said, in the latest move targeting actors Washington believes threaten the prospects for peace.

The sanctions will target Tsav 9, a group with ties to Israeli army reservists and Jewish settlers in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, over activities including blocking, harassing and damaging aid shipments.

Palestinians have been desperately in need of aid as Israel continues its eight-month invasion and bombardment, which has killed more than 37,000 people, according to the territory's health ministry.

Israel has also faced accusations of blocking aid, which it denies doing.


1248 GMT — Israeli army shifts focus towards Lebanon

The Israeli army has proposed concluding its military offensive in southern Gaza at Rafah and redirecting its efforts towards a new offensive in southern Lebanon.

The Israeli Channel 12 reported that “the Israeli army’s Northern Command is focusing on targets that will reduce Hezbollah’s offensive capabilities.”

“However, the army recommends at this stage to shift attention to the north, that is, to end the operation in Rafah as quickly as possible in order to move to Lebanon,” the channel added.

It indicated that the Israeli army has recommended this position to the government.

1242 GMT — Palestinian death toll from Israeli attacks in Gaza nears 37,300

At least 37,266 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s ongoing offensive on Gaza since last October, the Health Ministry in the besieged enclave has said.

A statement by the ministry added that 85,102 other people have also been injured in the onslaught.

“Israeli attacks killed 34 people and injured 71 others in the last 24 hours,” the statement said.

“Many people are still trapped under rubble and on the roads as rescuers are unable to reach them,” it added.

1055 GMT — Israeli defence minister rejects French contact group plan

Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant has ruled out joining an initiative promoted by French President Emmanuel Macron in which France, the United States and Israel would form a contact group to work on defusing tensions on Israel's border with Lebanon.

"As we fight a just war, defending our people, France has adopted hostile policies against Israel," Gallant said in a statement. "Israel will not be a party to the trilateral framework proposed by France."


0835 GMT — Multiple missiles fired from Lebanon toward northern Israel

Israel reported the launch of eight missiles from Lebanon targeting the northern region, which caused a fire but resulted in no casualties, according to Israeli media.

The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation said “two anti-tank missiles were launched from Lebanon towards Avivim settlement without causing any casualties. However, the missiles sparked a fire in the area.“

After the sirens sounded in the settlement of Kiryat Shmona in the north, a missile was detected landing in an open area outside the city, the same source reported.

Five anti-tank missiles were also fired at the settlement of Metulla but landed in open areas, it added.

No casualties were reported, however, efforts to extinguish the fires have been ongoing since Thursday, the corporation said.

0826 GMT — 41% of Israelis prefer Benny Gantz as prime minister: Poll

As Israel continues its onslaught on Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity continues to plummet, with a recent opinion poll showing former War Cabinet member Benny Gantz with more public support.

According to a poll published Friday by Israeli daily Maariv, only 35 percent of respondents believe Netanyahu is fit for the position of prime minister, while 41 percent prefer Gantz, who i s also the leader of the National Unity Party, resigned Sunday from the country's emergency unity government.

The results of the Lazar Institute poll also showed that 24 percent of the random sample of 501 Israelis had no answer for their choice of premier.

A clear majority of respondents, 74 percent, said they think Israeli public diplomacy on the October 7 attack by Palestinian group Hamas has been unsuccessful. In contrast, only 15 percent consider believed it successful, while 11 percent had no opinion.

According to the poll results, if elections were held on the same day, the National Unity party would secure 24 out of 120 seats in the Knesset, or Israeli parliament. The Likud party, led by Netanyahu, would have 21 seats and the Yesh Atid party, headed by opposition leader Yair Lapid, would get 15.

0815 GMT — Israel court extends Al Jazeera ban: ministry

An Israeli court has confirmed and extended for 35 days the government's shutdown of Qatar-based television news channel Al Jazeera, the justice ministry said on Friday.

Al Jazeera, which broadcasts in Arabic and English, went off the air in Israel under an initial 45-day order early last month.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has had a long-running feud with Al Jazeera that has worsened since the Gaza war began in October.

"The Tel Aviv district court confirmed the communications minister's instructions to stop Al Jazeera channel broadcasts, close its bureaus in Israel, block access to its websites and seize the equipment," the justice ministry said.

The order, issued Thursday after a prosecutor's request for its confirmation and extension, was for an additional 35 days, the ministry said on its website.

0303 GMT — Palestinian children will become ‘lost generation’ without Gaza ceasefire: UNRWA chief

The head of the UN agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) warned that without a cease-fire in Gaza, a "lost generation" is imminent.

“Children suffer first suffer most in conflicts & wars. In #Gaza it is no different. Children have gone through what no child anywhere in the world should see or undergo. Far too many were killed, far too many were injured & far too many will be scarred for life.

Those who survived are in deep trauma…The war robbed the children of #Gaza of their childhood,” UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini wrote on X.

He warned that “without a cease-fire, they will become a lost generation.”

0208 GMT — Yemen’s Houthis attack more ships in solidarity with Gaza

Yemen's Houthi group said that it carried out attacks on three ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden over the past 24 hours.

The UK's Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) office confirmed receiving reports of attacks on two of the ships mentioned by the Houthis.

“The naval and missile forces and the air force carried out three military operations in the last 24 hours,” the group’s military spokesperson, Yahya Saree, said in a televised briefing.

He said the first operation was carried out by missile forces targeting the M/V Verbena in the Gulf of Aden, causing a fire onboard.

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2350 GMT — Hezbollah says it launched rockets, drones against northern Israel

Hezbollah said that it launched rockets and drones towards Israeli military bases and command centers in northern Israel amid heightened tensions between the two sides.

In a statement, the Lebanese group detailed its operations, saying it used Katyusha and Falaq rockets to target the sites, including artillery positions in al-Zaoura and the Keila and Yoav barracks as well as the Katsavya and Nafah bases and the Sahal battalion in Beit Hillel.

Hezbollah further said that it targeted with drone attacks the David base (Northern Command headquarters), Mishar base (headquarters of the central intelligence unit of the north of region charged with assassination missions) and the Katsavia barracks (headquarters of the 7th Armored Brigade of the Golan Division 210), “successfully hitting their targets.”

The group noted that these attacks were in response to the assassination of one of its senior commanders, Taleb Sami Abdullah, in a drone s trike by Israel in Jwaya, southern Lebanon.

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2200 GMT — Civilian killed in Israeli strike on Lebanon

A civilian has been killed and at least seven others wounded in an Israeli nighttime strike on southern Lebanon, the country's national news agency reported.

"Enemy warplanes launched a raid targeting a house" in the town of Janata, killing one civilian and wounding seven other civilians, the agency said.

2100 GMT — Israel kills 11 Palestinians in strike on Gaza City

Israel has killed 11 Palestinians and wounded many others, including women and children, in its latest strikes on a residential apartment in Gaza City, according to Gaza's Civil Defense Agency.

The agency reported that its teams "retrieved seven bodies: three children, three women, and a man, and dealt with several injuries following an Israeli attack on an apartment in the Al-Nafaq Street, near Al-Tabeen school."

While the agency did not specify the nature of the wounds, witnesses told Anadolu Agency that civil defence crews searched for more victims and survivors under the rubble. Officials later revised the death toll to 11.

Witnesses also told Anadolu that Israeli artillery continues to shell areas and homes in the Al Zaytoun neighbourhood in the southeast of Gaza City.

2032 GMT — Houthis strike cargo carrier in Gulf of Aden

Two cruise missiles launched by Yemen's Houthis have struck a bulk cargo carrier in the Gulf of Aden, severely wounding a sailor who was evacuated by American forces, the US military said.

The M/V Verbena — a Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned, Polish-operated ship — "reported damage and subsequent fires on board. The crew continues to fight the fire. One civilian mariner was severely injured during the attack," the US Central Command [CENTCOM] said in a statement.

"Aircraft from USS Philippine Sea [CG 58] medically evacuated the injured mariner to a partner force ship nearby for medical attention," CENTCOM said.

2016 GMT — US condemns Israel's 'wrongheaded' decision to redirect Palestine's funds

The United States has condemned the Israeli finance minister's "wrongheaded" decision to redirect some $35 million in tax revenue collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority to families of "victims of terrorism."

Extremist Israeli minister Bezalel Smotrich's actions "are not appropriate. We have made quite clear to the Government of Israel that these funds belong to the Palestinian people," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told journalists.

"They should be transferred to the Palestinian Authority immediately. They should not have been held. They should not be delayed," Miller said.

"We think it's an extraordinarily wrongheaded decision by that minister," he added.

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