PKK hindering development in northern Iraq: KRI party leader

Terrorist group's presence is "detrimental to the security of the region," says Islamic Movement Party leader Irfan Abdulaziz.

"Increased governmental control would help ensure peace and pave the way for development in these regions," Abdulaziz stated. / Photo: AA

"Increased governmental control would help ensure peace and pave the way for development in these regions," Abdulaziz stated. / Photo: AA

The leader of the Islamic Movement Party based in northern Iraq has accused the terrorist group PKK of obstructing development in areas under its influence.

"The PKK is a significant issue for the Kurdish administration," Irfan Abdulaziz stressed in an interview with Anadolu news agency published on Wednesday.

"Their presence in regions like Qandil, Sherbajer, and Punjivin has hindered development and stability. This is detrimental to the security of the region, especially during these sensitive times," he said.

The party leader warned that the instability caused by the terrorist organisation PKK could spread to other key areas, such as Kirkuk and Sulaymaniyah, potentially dragging the region into further chaos.

"The instability might allow other forces to exploit the situation, deepening the crisis," he added.

Abdulaziz called on both the Iraqi central government and the KRG to strengthen their influence in areas where the terrorist PKK operates. "Increased governmental control would help ensure peace and pave the way for development in these regions," Abdulaziz stated.


Current situation in Kirkuk

Addressing the closure of Sulaymaniyah Airport and the cooperation between the Talabani's PUK and the terrorist PKK, Abdulaziz suggested that a mechanism should be established to prevent the airport from being used for activities against neighbouring countries.

He also expressed concerns about the current situation in Kirkuk, where the exclusion of Turkmens, the Barzani's KDP, and some Arab council members from the local administration, driven by the PUK, could lead to unrest.

"Our Turkmen brothers, some Arabs, and the KDP are not satisfied with the situation. Their dissatisfaction could lead to confusion and further instability," Abdulaziz warned.

The Islamic Movement Party leader also commented on the broader regional tensions, noting that the recent killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has increased tensions in the Middle East.

He expressed concerns that the ongoing turmoil could spread beyond Iraq to Lebanon, Kuwait, and Jordan, further destabilising the region.

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