Rape of Palestinian prisoner by Israeli troops shocks Sde Teiman doctor

"If the state and Knesset members think there's no limit to how much you can abuse prisoners, they should kill them themselves, like the Nazis did, or close the hospitals," says Dr Yoel Donchin, who saw the prisoner abducted from Gaza by Israelis.

Israeli soldiers patrol the notorious Sde Teiman army detention facility in the Negev desert / Photo: AP

Israeli soldiers patrol the notorious Sde Teiman army detention facility in the Negev desert / Photo: AP

In a harrowing revelation from Israel's Sde Teiman military and torture facility, a senior doctor has expressed disbelief at the gang-rape suffered by a Palestinian prisoner, remarking that such acts were unimaginable.

According to Israeli daily Haaretz, Dr Yoel Donchin's shock after seeing the victim underscores the gravity of allegations emerging from this notorious facility.

"I couldn't believe an Israeli jailer could do such a thing," he said in utter shock.

The prisoner in question was gang-raped by Israeli soldiers so much that he endured severe anal trauma, fractured ribs, and a ruptured bowel, necessitating immediate surgery, according to the newspaper.

"If the state and Knesset members think there's no limit to how much you can abuse prisoners, they should kill them themselves, like the Nazis did, or close the hospitals," Dr Donchin told Haaretz.

The detainee remains in critical condition and is still hospitalised in Israel, according to Israeli public broadcaster KAN.

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Israeli soldiers 'gang rape' Palestinian detainee in Sde Teiman Prison

Universal condemnation of torture

Israeli military police arrested nine reservists on Monday, including a major, the commander of Force 100, for sodomising the prisoner. By Tuesday, the soldiers faced a bail hearing at the Beit Lid military court.

In response to the arrests, pro-rapist Israeli protesters, including extremist Knesset members, stormed the military base and held demonstrations, with MK Limor Son Har-Melech, a far-right Israeli settler and politician, accusing the military advocate general of "criminal conduct" for initiating the arrests of rapists in uniform.

Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and Member of Knesset Yitzhak Kroizer condemned the arrest of rapist soldiers, demanding the military police to "keep your hands off our soldiers."

The shocking developments cast a stark spotlight on the universal condemnation of torture as defined by the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which decries "any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted."

Sde Teiman has placed the Israeli military under intense scrutiny, challenging its commitment to human rights and justice.

"If they maintain a hospital only for the sake of defending ourselves at (International Criminal Court) the Hague, that's no good," Donchin said.

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