What do we know about Palestinian prisoners on Israel's list for swap deal?

List that Israel released includes 300 prisoners, 123 of whom are minors. We delve into details of some of these prisoners:

Some 10,000 Palestinians have been seized and detained by Israel in its in famous jails where torture and abuse is rampant.  / Photo: AP Archive
AP Archive

Some 10,000 Palestinians have been seized and detained by Israel in its in famous jails where torture and abuse is rampant.  / Photo: AP Archive

The Israeli Justice Ministry has released names of Palestinian prisoners incarcerating in its notorious jails who could be swapped with Israeli captives held in besieged Gaza by Hamas resistance group.

The deal agreement includes the exchange of 50 Israeli captives for 150 Palestinian prisoners, women and children.

This is what we know so far about the Palestinian prisoners:

Who are the Palestinian prisoners on the list?

The list that the Israeli Justice Ministry released includes 300 Palestinian prisoners, 123 of whom are minors [under the age of 18].

The list also includes 33 women incarcerated in Israeli jails. The prisoners were seized between 2021 and 2023.

The youngest of them is a 14-year-old Abdel Rahman Amer Fakhri, seized in September 2023 over "arson" offences.

The oldest one on the list is 59-year-old Hanan Saleh Abdullah Barghouti, who was taken away by Israel last September for undefined "security offences."

What charges have been imposed on them?

Many of the prisoners included in the list have been convicted by Israeli courts of multiple charges.

For example, 17-year-old Ahmed Ali Muhammed, who was seized in June 2022, has been held for "stone spraying."

Abdel Rahman Sulieman Ahmed, 16-year-old , who was arrested on October 5, has also been charged with "stone spraying."

Israel has also charged Palestinian women and minors in the list with throwing stones, attempted murder, illegal entry into Israel and affiliation and/or membership with unknown organisations.

How many Palestinians are in Israeli jails?

Before October 7, there were over 5,200 Palestinians languishing in Israeli prisons.

However, Palestinian officials say that number almost doubled to around 10,000 after Israel launched its war on besieged Gaza and detained more Palestinians in both Gaza and West Bank.

What is the situation of Palestinians in Israeli jails?

Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem has said over 1,300 Palestinians are being held under administrative arrest [arrest without a charge or trial], including 146 minors.

Since Israel started its war against besieged Gaza, that number has drastically increased.

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported in October a case of abuse against three Palestinian detainees from the occupied West Bank by Israeli soldiers and illegal Jewish settlers.

The report said that the Israelis stripped the Palestinian prisoners to their underwears, beat them with knives and iron pipes, extinguished cigarettes on their bodies and even urinated on them.

Aside from the administrative arrests and torture, six Palestinian prisoners have mysteriously died in Israeli jails since the start October 7.

Palestine's Commission for Prisoners' Affairs says "the [Israeli] occupation is carrying out a systematic assassination against the [Palestinian] detainees."

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