$2 billion revenue: Why is Türkiye a hazelnut powerhouse?

Türkiye contributes to 70 percent of the global hazelnut cultivation, an economic and agricultural feat the country was destined to achieve.

Türkiye, the contemporary giant in hazelnut production, dominates over 70% of the world's total hazelnut cultivation. / Photo: AA

Türkiye, the contemporary giant in hazelnut production, dominates over 70% of the world's total hazelnut cultivation. / Photo: AA

In 2022, an archaeological excavation undertaken in Tavsanli Hoyuk, a site steeped in 8,000 years of history in Kutahya, unearthed the remnants of hazelnuts dating back 4,200 years.

This remarkable finding not only underscored the venerable history of hazelnuts buried in Türkiye's fertile soils but also lent credence to the assertion that the world inherited hazelnuts, a pivotal player in the Turkish economy, from the Anatolian steppe.

The morsels of hazelnuts can be found in countless products – from chocolates to cookies to quiche. Imparting a unique and irresistible flavour, delicacies made with hazelnuts have become an inseparable part of our lives. Turkish hazelnuts, with their distinctive character, infuse this delightful flavour into some of the world's most exquisite chocolates, tantalising taste buds far and wide.

Türkiye, the powerhouse of hazelnut production, generates 70 percent of the world's total hazelnut cultivation. The provinces along Türkiye's Black Sea coast are known for hazelnut farming, with cities like Ordu and Giresun leading in the volume of production.

With an annual export tally of around 300 thousand tons of hazelnut kernels, Türkiye's generates around $2 billion from this agricultural export.


Türkiye accounts for over 60% of the world's entire hazelnut production.

Soil Products Office, a subsidiary of the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, assumes the pivotal role in overseeing this treasured commodity. Each year, the ministry determines the purchasing price for hazelnuts from producers. This year, the price for each kilogram of hazelnuts has been pegged to 80 Turkish Lira or three US dollars.

"As stewards of the Soil Products Office, we are keenly aware of the pivotal role hazelnuts play, and we ardently strive to execute our duty with unwavering dedication," Ahmet Guldal, the General Manager of the Soil Products Office, told TRT World.

"Through years of experience, we have evolved into an authority within the hazelnut industry. We seek to imbue our producers with a sense of assurance by proactively announcing hazelnut purchase prices before the arrival of the harvest season. Prior to the purchasing period, we meticulously prepare our acquisition centres across the provinces renowned for hazelnut production. Our commitment to ensuring a seamless process for our esteemed producers is evident through our efficient appointment system, which assures that no inconvenience is experienced".


Hazelnuts, a natural treasure, embark on a meticulous and labor-intensive journey, from the nurturing of hazelnut trees to their yearly harvest.

A laborious harvest

Mehmet Zahid Kamadan, a 42-year-old trader hailing from Istanbul, visits his ancestral village in Ordu during the harvest season every year.

Explaining the long and daunting procedures of hazelnut farming, Kamadan said: "The path of hazelnut production is fraught with challenges, demanding ceaseless toil. Careful attention to the hazelnut trees is imperative at precise intervals throughout the year. The Black Sea region, blessed with ample rainfall, nurtures not only hazelnuts but also an abundance of weeds. Consequently, we find ourselves frequently engaged in the arduous task of clearing hazelnut fields from invasive flora.”

The application of fertilisers and the art of tree pruning are one of the essential facets of hazelnut farming, he said, adding that harvesting starts in August amidst the intense summer heat.


Half a million diligent producers in Türkiye rely on hazelnuts as their source of livelihood.

“We labour tirelessly, but our diligence is handsomely rewarded, especially this year, with the government offering an appealing price per kilo."

With half a million people involved in hazelnut farming in Türkiye, hundreds of thousands of people depend on this trade, which involves a range of businesses from entrepreneurs selling pesticide spraying equipment to automobiles and other modern farming tools.

"Our ultimate mission is to ensure the sustained prosperity of hazelnut production, a goal that hinges upon affording this cherished commodity the recognition and worth it undeniably deserves," Guldal said.

"In doing so, we seek to maintain Türkiye's preeminent stature on the global stage, a commitment that underscores the profound significance of the Soil Products Office's responsibilities concerning hazelnuts."

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