Global media cartels trying to cover up brutality in Gaza: Erdogan

Praising Turkish media outlets for showing the real conditions under the deadly siege, President Erdogan congratulates "TRT, Anadolu, and our other media institutions that opened up a vital corridor from Gaza to the world”.

"Every day a journalist is being killed, yet from institutions that for years have been preaching about press freedom all we hear is silence," the president said. / Photo: AA

"Every day a journalist is being killed, yet from institutions that for years have been preaching about press freedom all we hear is silence," the president said. / Photo: AA

Israel is targeting not only women and children in Gaza but also journalists trying to work under difficult conditions, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.

International organisations are responsible for the world’s inability to establish global peace and security and solve problems, Erdogan said in an address to the TRT World Forum 2023 in Istanbul on Friday.

"Global media cartels are trying to cover up the brutality in Gaza and legitimise the massacre of journalists under the pretext of Hamas," he added, referring to Israel’s attacks on Gaza since October 7, which have taken over 17,000 lives, most of them women and children.

"Every day a journalist is being killed, yet from institutions that for years have been preaching about press freedom all we hear is silence," he said.

Lauding Turkish media outlets for reporting on Gaza accurately, showing the world the real conditions there under a deadly siege, he said: "I would like to congratulate TRT, Anadolu, and our other media institutions that opened up a vital corridor from Gaza to the world.”

Over 70 journalists have been killed in Gaza, said Erdogan, adding: "Where is the world’s renowned press? Why don’t they publish headlines about the journalists killed?"

'West pours fuel on the fire'

"It is not the West – which pours fuel on the fire – which pays the price for every moment lost in achieving lasting peace, but unfortunately the innocents," the Turkish president said.

"Türkiye is ready to shoulder the responsibility to prevent more bloodshed from happening (in Gaza)," Erdogan said, referring to its offer to mediate peace or serve as a guarantor for the region.

"In a just peace, there are no losers," he added.

More than 75 journalists have been killed and 140 wounded in Israeli attacks since October 7.

At least 17,177 Palestinians have been killed and more than 46,000 others injured in relentless air and ground attacks on Gaza since October 7 following a cross-border attack by Hamas.

The Israeli death toll from the Hamas attack stands at 1,200, according to official figures.

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