Greece highlights positive outcome of rapprochement with Türkiye

"Better bilateral relations would allow us to create a channel of dialogue and diplomacy to discuss our problems and de-escalate tensions that we owe to the next generations," says the Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis.

Gerapetritis drew attention to the presence of a good positive agenda between the two countries. / Photo: Reuters Archive

Gerapetritis drew attention to the presence of a good positive agenda between the two countries. / Photo: Reuters Archive

Greece has highlighted the tangible positive outcomes of the rapprochement with Türkiye.

Speaking at an international forum on sustainable peace in Athens, Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis said on Tuesday, “I want to emphasise that being able to talk with our neighbours serves the country’s interests.”

Recognising some major differences between Türkiye and Greece, he added, “We are aware that we will not agree on everything. Yet, better bilateral relations would allow us to create a channel of dialogue and diplomacy to discuss our problems and de-escalate tensions that we owe to the next generations. And this is what we do, step by step, without having any exaggerated claims.”

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Why Greece-Türkiye rapprochement can be a win-win for all

Improved cooperation

Drawing attention to the presence of a good positive agenda between the two countries, which Gerapetritis explained in many fields, including improved cooperation in addressing the problem of irregular migration and an increase in the number of Turkish tourists visiting certain Aegean islands thanks to the special visa regime introduced by the Greek government.

About the Western Balkans, he argued that Greece supports the region’s integration into the EU but warned that “this road is not without conditions.”

"In particular, it requires full integration of the European acquis, full respect for the values of the rule of law and democracy and full compliance with International Law."

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