Independent Palestine only solution for regional peace — Türkiye’s Altun

Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun says that there has been a longstanding Israeli issue in the Middle East, which came to a head on October 7, 2023.

Altun dismissed rumours about Turkish products reaching the Israeli army as part of a disinformation campaign. / Photo: AA

Altun dismissed rumours about Turkish products reaching the Israeli army as part of a disinformation campaign. / Photo: AA

Türkiye's Communications Director Fahrettin Altun has reaffirmed his country's unwavering support for Palestine, highlighting its continuous advocacy for Palestinian rights amid escalating challenges.

During an interview with Al Jazeera, Altun made remarks on several issues, including Türkiye's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict, his country's counter-terrorism efforts, and recent diplomatic activities by Ankara.

"Under the leadership of our president, Türkiye will vigorously strive for the immediate cessation of the massacre in Palestine and the establishment of a sovereign, independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, based on the 1967 borders and possessing territorial integrity," Altun said.

"Because there is no other way for peace to prevail in the region."

He stressed Türkiye's leading role globally in prioritising the Palestinian issue, especially since October 7, and its commitment to humanitarian aid.

Türkiye's submission of a legal opinion to the Court regarding Israel's actions in Palestine, in line with a UN decision, further demonstrates its commitment to upholding international law.

Altun underscored Türkiye's active role in proposing solutions and fostering unity among Palestinian factions. He reiterated President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's dedication to integrated action among Palestinian leaders.

Trade restrictions with Israel

On the issue of trade restrictions with Israel, Altun clarified Türkiye's stance, noting that his country's relations with Israel had already deteriorated significantly before recent events. He highlighted Türkiye's decision to halt military shipments to Israel and its support for Palestine.

Starting from the beginning of May, Türkiye has stopped all exports and imports to and from Israel, as a punitive measure against Tel Aviv's brutal war on Gaza that has killed more than 35,200 Palestinians people in just over six months.

"There has been a longstanding Israeli issue in the Middle East, which came to a head on October 7, 2023," Altun said.

"As Türkiye, we will take every necessary step to resolve this issue with the seriousness of a state and in favour of the oppressed Palestinians. Let no one doubt that."

Altun dismissed rumours about Turkish products reaching the Israeli army as part of a disinformation campaign. He emphasised Türkiye's unwavering support for Palestinians and its efforts to hold Israel accountable for its actions.

Diplomatic efforts for ceasefire continue

Regarding diplomatic efforts, Altun highlighted President Erdogan's engagement in seeking a ceasefire and his commitment to achieving a sovereign Palestinian state. He expressed confidence in Türkiye's leadership contributing to regional peace.

Türkiye's foreign policy, focused on stability, was emphasised by Altun. He stated that Türkiye's relations with regional countries remain unaffected by local elections, and its efforts to normalise relations continue.

Türkiye's counter-terrorism efforts

Altun highlighted Türkiye's recent agreements with Iraq, emphasising its commitment to regional cooperation and stability. He also addressed Türkiye's stance on terrorism, affirming its determination to combat terrorist organisations independently.

The communications director also stressed Türkiye's principled and humanitarian approach to global crises, advocating for peace and stability.

He expressed confidence in his country's role in preventing further escalation of conflicts and protecting global stability.

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