'Islamophobia and racism spreading like poison ivy' — Erdogan

Turkish President urges swift appointment of a UN Special Representative to combat Islamophobia, as outlined in the March 2024 draft resolution.

"As the arms race accelerates, the space for diplomacy is shrinking, " Erdogan said as the war in Ukraine ends its third year. / Photo: Reuters

"As the arms race accelerates, the space for diplomacy is shrinking, " Erdogan said as the war in Ukraine ends its third year. / Photo: Reuters

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has addressed a broad spectrum of topics during his speech at the annual UN General Assembly, including Islamophobia, the war in Ukraine and Sudan, the crisis in Libya and issues concerning Cyprus.

“We are witnessing Islamophobia, xenophobia, and racism spreading around the world like poisonous ivy,” Erdogan remarked, highlighting the growing number of Islamophobic attacks globally.

Erdogan also drew attention to the fact that almost every day there is an attack on mosques and the holy book of Islam.

"In the middle of Europe, people's houses are being set on fire and their most basic rights are being blatantly usurped on the basis of their ethnic and religious identity. No one can ignore this growing danger anymore," Erdogan added.

He also expressed anticipation for the swift appointment of a Special Representative to combat Islamophobia at the UN, as outlined in the draft resolution adopted on March 15, 2024.

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Türkiye leads Muslim nations in addressing Islamophobia

Conflicts in Ukraine, Libya, Sudan

Addressing the ongoing war in Ukraine, Erdogan said: "As the war in Ukraine enters its third year, we are still far from peace. As the arms race accelerates, the space for diplomacy is shrinking. "

"In this process, we will continue to rigorously implement the Montreux Straits Convention," Erdogan added as Türkiye's geographical position is crucial for the logistics of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Turkish President also highlighted Türkiye's efforts to ensure stability in Libya. "We are committed to supporting Libya in establishing political stability and unity. In these challenging times, we call on all nations to stand by Libya and contribute to the peace process."

On the civil war in Sudan, Erdogan said: "The ongoing conflict in Sudan must end as soon as possible and we must intensify our efforts to achieve this goal."

"Africa, with its young and dynamic population, rich natural resources, and fertile land, holds immense untapped potential," he noted.

Underlining Türkiye's commitment to Africa, Erdogan said: "On the basis of equal partnership and mutual respect, we are more committed than ever to supporting the people of Africa and helping the entire continent to prosper and develop. "


Call for recognition of TRNC

Erdogan also reiterated his international call for recognising the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus during his speech.

"Today, I once again invite the international community to recognise the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and to establish diplomatic, political and economic relations."

"The sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriots, which are the acquired rights of the Turkish Cypriots, must be restored and the isolation must end, " Erdogan stated.

Erdogan said that for decades, it has always been the Turkish Cypriots and Türkiye that have shown a "sincere will to bring about a just, permanent, and sustainable" solution to the Cyprus issue.

"The federation model has now completely lost its validity. There are two separate states and two separate peoples on the island," he stressed.

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