No reason not to forge ties between Türkiye, Syria — President Erdogan

The Turkish president says that Ankara has no plans or goals to interfere in Syria's internal affairs.

"Just as we once developed relations between Türkiye and Syria, we will act together in same way again," President Erdogan said. / Photo: AA

"Just as we once developed relations between Türkiye and Syria, we will act together in same way again," President Erdogan said. / Photo: AA

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that there is no reason for his country not to forge renewed ties with neighbouring Syria.

"There is no reason not to establish (relations with Syria)," Erdogan told reporters after Friday prayers in Istanbul.

He emphasised that Ankara has no plans or goals to interfere in Syria's internal affairs.

"Just as we once developed relations between Türkiye and Syria, we will act together in same way again," he added.

Turkish-Syrian relations saw a decline in 1998 when Türkiye accused Syria of supporting the PKK, a terrorist group responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in its decades-long terror campaign against Türkiye.

Tensions further escalated in 2011 due to the start of the Syrian Civil War and a subsequent influx of refugees numbering over 4 million

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Astana meeting discusses progress on Türkiye-Syria negotiations

Renewed diplomatic efforts

After years of deteriorated ties between the two nations, the Astana format talks were launched in 2017 to restore peace and stability in Syria, which has been rocked by over a decade of conflict since pro-democracy protests in 2011.

Türkiye, Russia, and Iran were guarantors of the process.

During these talks, participants exchanged views on efforts to normalise relations between Türkiye and Syria and discussed counter-terrorism, political processes, and humanitarian matters, including the voluntary, safe, and dignified return of Syrians to their homeland.

The parties discussed the progress in preparing a roadmap for the restoration of relations between Türkiye and the Syrian regime.

The parties expressed determination to work together to combat terrorism "in all its forms and manifestations," as well as standing against "separatist agendas" aimed at undermining Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and threatening the national security of neighbouring countries.

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Roadmap to be prepared for advancement of Türkiye-Syria ties

Route 6