PKK/YPG election attempt in northeast Syria aims to divide Syrian people

Local elections organised by the terror group in territories occupied with the support of the international community, are illegal, damaging the interests and unity of the Syrian society, says the KKS chairman.

Syrian people protested PKK's illegal election plan in Tal Abyad, Syria on May 31, 2024, holding banners in Arabic reading 'The PKK's plans to divide Syria will not succeed,' and 'No matter what the PKK does, Syria will remain free and whole.'' /Photo: AA Archive
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Syrian people protested PKK's illegal election plan in Tal Abyad, Syria on May 31, 2024, holding banners in Arabic reading 'The PKK's plans to divide Syria will not succeed,' and 'No matter what the PKK does, Syria will remain free and whole.'' /Photo: AA Archive

The Association of Independent Syrian Kurds (KKS) has said that “elections” organised by the PKK/YPG terrorist organisation in the occupied areas of northeastern Syria are “malicious and dangerous.”

The KKS, a component of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces, hosted a conference on the so-called polls in the town center of Afrin, which was cleared of the PKK/YPG in 2018.

It was attended by Kurdish political leaders, Kurdish tribes and prominent figures from the region.

KKS Chairman Abdelaziz Tammo told Anadolu Agency on Wednesday that they have serious concerns about the PKK/YPG's attempt to hold local elections in northeastern Syria.

"These elections are an attempt to divide Syria. The reality is that these entities have occupied Syrian territories by force of arms with the support of the international coalition (against Daesh).


'PKK/YPG elections are not legal'

“We reject any municipal elections taking place on Syrian territories in any form. We call on the international community and the Arab League to immediately stop this political and illegal destruction,” he added.

KKS member Muhammed Ali Isa also said they rejected of the PKK/YPG's election attempt.

"We want to send a message to the world from here. We, as Syrian Kurds and Syrians, are all against this decision,” Isa said.

Underlining that the PKK/YPG's elections are not legal, Isa said: "In general, the Syrian people, especially the Kurdish people, oppose the decisions taken by the PKK/YPG. The parties conducting these activities are not legal or legitimate."

Stating that they distance themselves from such activities as Syrian Kurds, he said: "These activities serve the interests of suspicious countries and harm the geographical integrity and fabric of Syrian society.

“We gathered to take a stance against the illegal and illegitimate elections organised in northeastern Syria by the PKK/YPG,” he added.

Isa pointed out that the practices attempted by the organisation are not legal.

"It does not concern Syrian Kurds because this action is neither in the interest of nor in the unity of the Syrian people."

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Support of international coalition led by US

"The PKK/YPG aims to divide Syria with the 'terror state.' (The organisation's) social contract, election committee and new map steps are actions taken by an illegal party, and we categorically reject them,” said the final statement of the conference organised under the leadership of the KKS.

The statement underlined that the terrorists occupying northeastern Syria operate under the control of the PKK.

It noted that the election decision planned by the terrorist organisation was made with the approval of the international coalition led by the US, which was established to combat Daesh.

It also called for urgent and comprehensive action against the terrorists' actions.

"The political solution in Syria can only be achieved through UN Resolution 2254. We demand intervention from the international community, the UN and the Arab League to stop this dangerous project,” the statement added.

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