Sanctions by NATO ally on another contradict essence of alliance: Fidan

For many years Türkiye has paid a heavy toll in the fight against terrorism, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says it is the most natural right to expect unconditional support from allies in Türkiye’s fight against terrorism.

Hakan Fidan said that on extremely sensitive issues, such as the fight against terrorism, all NATO allies need to show maximum solidarity. / Photo: AA

Hakan Fidan said that on extremely sensitive issues, such as the fight against terrorism, all NATO allies need to show maximum solidarity. / Photo: AA

Sanctions by one NATO ally on another violate the essence of the military alliance, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has said in Warsaw.

Saying that among allies, sanctions, restrictions, and impediments especially in the defence industry sector should be lifted completely, Fidan added on Wednesday: “The imposition of sanctions by alliance member countries on each other is not consistent with the spirit of alliance.”

“Sanctions and restrictions not only affect the allied country subject to them but also undermine NATO's deterrent capability and defence capacity,” he said after a trilateral cooperation meeting with his Romanian and Polish counterparts.

Fidan said in the meetings, they addressed the fight against terrorism and stressed the expectation for NATO to take concrete steps in this regard.

Saying that for many years Türkiye has paid a heavy toll in the fight against terrorism, Fidan added that it is the most natural right to expect unconditional support from allies in Türkiye’s fight against terrorism.

Fidan also said that on extremely sensitive issues, such as the fight against terrorism, all NATO allies need to show maximum solidarity.

Fidan underlined the need to fulfill commitments on combating terrorism at the NATO summit in Washington.

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Stating that they discussed the upcoming summit, Fidan said: "It is clear that we need to enhance relations among our countries in the face of security challenges in regions adjacent to NATO."

On the Russia-Ukraine war, Fidan added that Ankara prioritises diplomacy and negotiation in all conflicts and wars.

"We advocate prioritising diplomacy and negotiation in Ukraine as well. The diplomatic option should not be sidelined in the ongoing war in Ukraine,” he added.

Fidan stressed the significant role of the Montreux Convention in preventing increased tension in the region, stating that they continue to apply this "stability-preserving" treaty impartially and meticulously, both in letter and spirit.

Highlighting NATO as the most crucial actor in effectively ensuring Europe's defence and security, Fidan underlined the importance of avoiding initiatives that could weaken NATO's leading and primary role.

Fidan conveyed to his counterparts that certain initiatives in this direction gave Türkiye pause, emphasising that initiatives under the auspices of other international organisations in Europe could undermine transatlantic security.

Positive ties among countries

Fidan said the trade volume between Türkiye and Poland surpassed last year's target, reaching $13 billion.

"As NATO allies, we are determined to strengthen our cooperation in the defence industry through concrete projects,” Fidan sated.

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Stating that Poland will assume the EU Presidency in the first half of 2025, Fidan highlighted the hope for significant steps to revive and advance Türkiye’s EU accession process during this period.

On relations with Romania, Fidan described them as being at a "strategic partnership level," confirming their commitment to further strengthen ties as reaffirmed in the recent High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting.

He mentioned their aim to boost the trade volume, which exceeded $10 billion in both of the last two years, to $15 billion next year.

Palestine issue

Emphasising that Israel, under the guise of ensuring its own security, has been killing Palestinians in front of the whole world and displacing millions of people, Fidan urged countries that unconditionally support Israel to “consider their attitudes before it's too late.”

Stressing that they discussed the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, Fidan stated: "The massacre ongoing for months now is a serious threat to global security, a threat recognised by all relevant actors. The massacre in Gaza has the potential to trigger a regional war at any moment."

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"With an approach that turns a blind eye to this brutality, with an indifference that cares little for the safety of Palestinians, progress is impossible,” he said.

Stating that an urgent and lasting ceasefire is a must to end “humanitarian tragedy” in Gaza, Fidan urged all parties to “come to the table” and for captives and detainees held by Israel and Hamas to be released.

Fidan underlined the importance of facilitating the return of displaced Palestinians to their homes.

He called for Israel to withdraw from occupied territories and for concerted efforts towards the reconstruction of Gaza.

Saying the crisis in Gaza could be turned into an opportunity for lasting peace, he added: “We invite Israel to approach the process positively, listening to calls from the international community."

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