TRT among leading global networks exposing Israeli atrocities

"Networks like TRT, showing the face of the extremist settler movement in the West Bank, has had an impact on people," says journalist Aaron Mate at the premiere of TRT World’s investigative documentary "Holy Redemption".

The groundbreaking documentary offers an unprecedented look into the atrocities carried out by radical settlers in the occupied West Bank / Photo: AA

The groundbreaking documentary offers an unprecedented look into the atrocities carried out by radical settlers in the occupied West Bank / Photo: AA

TRT has placed itself among a select few networks leading global efforts to document the atrocities Israel has been inflicting upon the Palestinian people, producing exclusive content and in-depth reportage on Tel Aviv's relentless agenda in the Middle East.

Speaking to TRT World at the premiere of the company’s documentary "Holy Redemption," investigative journalist Aaron Mate expressed that networks like TRT, Türkiye’s public broadcaster, have contributed to a shift in global opinion since the Israeli onslaught began on October 7.

He expressed that "the images coming out (of Gaza), and the journalism by brave Gazan reporters and networks like TRT, showing the face of the extremist settler movement in the West Bank, has had an impact on people."

Condemning the propaganda spearheaded by Israel and the West in order to justify the brutality in Gaza, Mate noted the activism that emerged in response, in the US and around the world.

"People are taking to the streets and also turning off the cable news, shutting out the establishment media, because they have lost all the credibility," he said, noting that people around the world have begun turning to outlets like TRT .

Alternative media sites are "filling the void that's been left by the establishment media that rather repeat Israeli propaganda than do its job," Mate stressed.

"‘Never again’ means never again for everyone," said Mate, who is the son of renowned Jewish Holocaust survivor Gabor Mate.


Unprecedented look into settler colonialism

TRT World journalists filmed "Holy Redemption" on-site in the West Bank, infiltrating radical Zionist groups including the notorious Hilltop Youth, under extremely difficult conditions, risking their lives to highlight the support settlers receive from the Israeli state and military.

The exclusive documentary, filmed just two months after October 7, includes a series of interviews with Israeli activists and members of Knesset.

The documentary's launch comes at a crucial time. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government is facing international condemnation after Jewish settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Jit on August 15.

The groundbreaking documentary offers an unprecedented look into the atrocities carried out by illegal settlers in the occupied West Bank, revealing the impact on Palestinian communities.

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