TRT Haber to chair ABU News Group

TRT achieves yet another milestone in its international successes, after bringing presidency of world's largest broadcasting union to Türkiye.

ABU has 240 members from 65 countries and reaches 3.5 billion people worldwide. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

ABU has 240 members from 65 countries and reaches 3.5 billion people worldwide. / Photo: AA Archive

Ahmet Gormez, the news coordinator of TRT Haber, has been elected chair of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) News Group. This follows the election of the general manager of TRT, Mehmet Zahid Sobaci, as the president of ABU last November.

Türkiye's Communications Director, Fahrettin Altun, congratulated TRT Haber and the entire TRT family for the prestigious appointment.

With this, the influence of TRT within the world's largest broadcasting union, the ABU, continues to grow.

Altun highlighted the significance of the achievement, noting that ABU is the world's largest broadcasting organisation, with 240 members from 65 countries.

He expressed his belief that this new accomplishment would enable even more active work within the Union, following TRT's success in bringing the ABU presidency to Türkiye last November.

‘Aauspicious for Türkiye’

In a vote held on Wednesday in Bangkok, Thailand, Ahmet Gormez, the news coordinator for TRT Haber, was unanimously elected chair of the ABU News Group.

Representatives from Japan's NHK and Australia's ABC television will hold the vice-chairman positions.

ABU has 240 members from 65 countries and reaches 3.5 billion people worldwide.

Fahrettin Altun emphasised the importance of this development for Türkiye's communication campaign, which was conducted in line with the vision of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"I find this development – which I consider very valuable for our communication campaign, conducted in line with the vision of our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan – to be auspicious for our country, as well as for TRT, and ABU,” he said.

The next General Assembly of ABU will be hosted by TRT in Istanbul this October.


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