Turkish first lady, UN chief talk climate action and Zero Waste

With COP29 on the horizon, Azerbaijan is preparing to take a leadership role on climate change in partnership with Türkiye.

The first lady is in New York for the 79th UN General Assembly session alongside President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. / Photo: AA

The first lady is in New York for the 79th UN General Assembly session alongside President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. / Photo: AA

Turkish First Lady Emine Erdogan met United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the UN headquarters in New York to discuss global waste management and upcoming climate events, according to an official handout.

As chairperson of the UN Advisory Board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste, Erdogan outlined the board’s ongoing work in line with the Sustainable Development Goals during her meeting with Guterres on Tuesday, emphasising the significance of UN support.

Erdogan also highlighted Türkiye's collaboration with Azerbaijan in preparation for the 29th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP29), which will be hosted in Baku this November.

One of the thematic days at COP29 is expected to focus on “Zero Waste,” with various related events planned around the initiative, Erdogan said.

The first lady noted that the third in-person meeting of the UN advisory board is expected to take place at COP29, and extended an invitation to Guterres to attend.

Reflecting on recent conflicts, Erdogan expressed sorrow over the destruction caused by wars, emphasising the often-overlooked damage to nature and ecosystems, which further worsens the climate crisis.

Following the meeting, Erdogan posted on X, calling the discussion with Guterres "productive" and reiterating their commitment to global waste management efforts.

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