Turkish FM Fidan's visit to North Macedonia reflects a growing alliance

Türkiye and North Macedonia are considering updating their two-decade-old Free Trade Agreement to strengthen bilateral trade and double the current trade volume, which currently stands at $1 billion.

Fidan will meet with lawmakers of Turkish origin in the North Macedonian Parliament, leaders of Albanian political parties, and members of the Macedonian-Turkish community. / Photo: AA

Fidan will meet with lawmakers of Turkish origin in the North Macedonian Parliament, leaders of Albanian political parties, and members of the Macedonian-Turkish community. / Photo: AA

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan will visit North Macedonia, a small but strategically significant Balkan nation, to hold talks with the country’s top brass on various topics, including trade, defence industry cooperation, and bilateral relations.

Diplomatic sources have confirmed that Fidan’s official visit will include high-level discussions. During his visit on Thursday, he is expected to meet with Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, Speaker of the Parliament Afrim Gashi, and his counterpart Timco Mucunski.

The discussions will focus on combating the FETO terror group and other security issues, enhancing economic relations, and strengthening ties in the military and defence industries. They will also explore opportunities to increase cooperation and investment in sectors such as construction, energy, and infrastructure.

Defence industry collaboration is also on the docket, with the potential for significant developments in military ties underscored by ASELSAN, a Turkish defence giant, opening a representative office in Skopje.

Fidan is also scheduled to meet with lawmakers of Turkish origin in the North Macedonian Parliament, leaders of Albanian political parties, and members of the Macedonian-Turkish community.

Stronger Ties

The two countries share common historical and cultural ties, with Türkiye being the seventh-largest trading partner of North Macedonia.

The bilateral trade volume stands at $1 billion, with Turkish investments in North Macedonia approaching $2 billion. Ankara and Skopje are considering updating their Free Trade Agreement to boost their trade volume to $2 billion.

With Turks comprising 3.98 percent of the population in North Macedonia, Ankara prioritises ensuring the rights of the Turkish community, including their right to education in their mother tongue and proportional employment in the public sector.

This visit follows Fidan’s previous trip to Skopje for the South-East European Cooperation Process Summit of Heads of State and Government, where he represented Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

This visit underscores Türkiye’s strategic interest in the Balkans. For Ankara, North Macedonia is not merely a historical partner but a key player in its broader regional outreach.

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