Turkish president marks Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day

Turkish President Erdogan reaffirms importance of "spirit of May 19," describing it as Türkiye's greatest asset in facing contemporary challenges.

Erdogan underscored the enduring importance of the event, calling it the "foundation stone" for building a strong Türkiye. / Photo: AA

Erdogan underscored the enduring importance of the event, calling it the "foundation stone" for building a strong Türkiye. / Photo: AA

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has marked the Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day, emphasising national unity.

In his message on Sunday, Erdogan highlighted the historical significance of May 19, marking the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence led by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1919.

May 19, 1919, was the day when Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Türkiye, arrived in the Black Sea city of Samsun from Istanbul to launch the war that four years later transformed the nation into modern Türkiye.

In 1938, Ataturk dedicated May 19 to the youth of the Turkish nation as Youth and Sports Day, a national holiday that sees young people take part in sporting and cultural activities with official ceremonies across the country.

Erdogan underscored the enduring importance of the event, calling it the "foundation stone" for building a strong Türkiye.

"This date signifies the spark of independence and future aspirations ignited from every corner of our nation against enemy occupation. The nationwide struggle that started in Samsun spread across Anatolia, reaching critical points in Amasya, Erzurum, Sivas, and ultimately Ankara," he said.


'Spirit of May 19'

Erdogan reaffirmed the importance of the "spirit of May 19," describing it as Türkiye's greatest asset in facing contemporary challenges. He said: "Our fight for development, growth, and empowerment can only continue by embracing the essence, principles, ideals, and goals of May 19."

He urged the youth to uphold this spirit with determination and unity, saying in the face of all pressures and provocations, "Our progress relies on the May 19 spirit. The youth of the New Türkiye Century must protect this legacy with confidence and solidarity."

Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz also marked the day by expressing gratitude to Türkiye's heroes and martyrs.

He highlighted the significance of May 19 as a symbol of national unity and resilience.

Also, Türkiye's parliament speaker Numan Kurtulmus congratulated the Turkish nation on the Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day, honouring the heroes of the country's independence struggle and emphasising the crucial role of youth in shaping Türkiye's future.

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