Turkish soldier killed during anti-terror operation in northern Iraq

Infantry Staff Sergeant Mehmet Ali Horoz killed in clashes with terrorists in Claw-Lock operation, three terrorists "neutralised" in encounter, says Ministry of National Defence.

Türkiye launched Operation Claw-Lock in April 2022 to target the PKK terror group's hideouts in Iraq's north. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

Türkiye launched Operation Claw-Lock in April 2022 to target the PKK terror group's hideouts in Iraq's north. / Photo: AA Archive

A Turkish soldier was killed in clashes with terrorists in northern Iraq, Türkiye's Ministry of National Defence has announced.

Infantry Staff Sergeant Mehmet Ali Horoz was killed in an engagement with terrorists during search and sweep efforts in the Claw-Lock operation zone, the ministry said in a statement on Friday.

"We wish Allah's mercy on our martyr who lost his life in this incident, which has caused us deep pain and sorrow, and our condolences and patience to his bereaved family, the Turkish Armed Forces and our noble nation," said the ministry.

Three terrorists were "neutralised" during the encounter, it added, noting that operations in the area were ongoing.

Turkish authorities use the term "neutralise" to imply the terrorists in question surrendered or were killed or captured.

The terrorists' affiliation was not specified, but the PKK terror group has been known to be active in the region.

In its nearly 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organisation by Türkiye, the US, and the EU — has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.

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Türkiye launched Operation Claw-Lock in April 2022 to target the PKK terror organisation's hideouts in Iraq's northern Metina, Zap, and Avasin-Basyan regions near the Turkish border.

Several high-ranking Turkish officials also offered their condolences.

"I wish Allah’s mercy upon our heroic soldier, Infantry Staff Sergeant Mehmet Ali Horoz, who was martyred in the Pence-Kilit Operation zone. I extend my condolences and patience to his family and loved ones," Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz said on X, also wishing solace to the Turkish nation.

National Defence Minister Yasar Guler also wished "Allah's mercy upon our heroic martyr, on behalf of myself and the members of the Ministry of National Defence." He also offered condolences and wished patience to Horoz's family and the nation.

"On behalf of myself and the members of the Turkish Armed Forces, I wish Allah's mercy upon our heroic comrade-in-arms, patience and condolences to his grieving family and relatives," Chief of General Staff Metin Gurak said.

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