Türkiye calls for unity, cooperation among Turkic nations at Shusha summit

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan advocates regional solidarity, resource sharing at Organisation of Turkic States meeting.

Hakan Fidan praised the OTS as a respected platform amidst a "disrupted" world order, / Photo: AA

Hakan Fidan praised the OTS as a respected platform amidst a "disrupted" world order, / Photo: AA

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has called for enhanced regional cooperation and solidarity among Turkic nations amid global power struggles.

"To prevent global power competition from affecting our region, we must strengthen our ranks and use our resources for our common prosperity," Fidan stated on Saturday at the Informal Summit of the Heads of State of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) in Shusha, Azerbaijan.

He emphasised: "Regional ownership and regional cooperation should constitute the two main principles of joint efforts."

Fidan also paid tribute to the sacrifices made during Azerbaijan's 44-day war for victory.

The foreign minister praised the OTS as a respected platform amidst a "disrupted" world order and advocated for further development of educational and youth projects, including establishing alphabet unity.

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Strengthening institutional relations

He stressed the importance of building a legal framework to support cooperation in sectors like connectivity, energy, finance, trade, defence, and technology.

Fidan also highlighted the need to support diaspora communities, stating: "It is our historical responsibility to help our compatriots preserve their identities."

He called for increased institutional relations with countries aligned with Türkiye's vision, proposing liaison offices and contact embassies to support Turkish cultural and identity causes.

Addressing the ongoing regional issues, Fidan reaffirmed support for Azerbaijan's peace negotiations with Armenia, criticising the imbalanced stance of some Western countries.

"We need to continue to fully support our brother Azerbaijan for the successful completion of this process."

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"Turkic World cannot turn its back on humanitarian tragedy in Gaza"

On the topic of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Fidan urged support for TRNC’s increased representation and economic integration within the OTS.

He advocated for measures such as establishing a trade office and enhancing tourist and diplomatic relations with the TRNC.

Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, Fidan emphasised the need for a broadened peace effort and a diplomatic platform to mitigate polarisation.

He also underscored the importance of a stable Afghanistan and highlighted Türkiye’s commitment to addressing counterterrorism and border security with neighbouring countries.

Fidan condemned the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, urging support for international legal interventions to address the conflict.

"The Turkic World cannot turn its back on the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza," he asserted, calling on the OTS members to support international legal proceedings related to the Israel-Palestine issue.

Concluding his remarks, Fidan expressed confidence in the OTS' growing international presence and reiterated the importance of unity among member states.

"May our unity and integrity be everlasting," he declared.

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