Türkiye condemns Israel for declaring UN chief 'persona non grata'

Israel announced that it banned UN chief Antonio Guterres from entering the country after he called for urgent de-escalation in the Middle East.

The declaration reaffirmed Türkiye’s solidarity with Lebanon in the face of Israel’s brutal attacks, stating that the Turkish nation and state would continue to support the Lebanese people and their government. / Photo: AA

The declaration reaffirmed Türkiye’s solidarity with Lebanon in the face of Israel’s brutal attacks, stating that the Turkish nation and state would continue to support the Lebanese people and their government. / Photo: AA

Türkiye has condemned Israel’s decision to declare UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres persona non grata and bar him from entering the country, describing it as yet another example of Israel's disregard for international law.

In a declaration following the National Security Council meeting on Thursday, Türkiye reiterated its firm commitment to stop the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people and to achieve a lasting ceasefire and peace in Palestine.

The declaration emphasised that in order to achieve these goals, the international community should increase and maintain pressure in addition to Türkiye's efforts.

The statement reaffirmed Türkiye’s solidarity with Lebanon in the face of Israel’s brutal attacks, stating that the Turkish nation and state would continue to support the Lebanese people and their government.

The council also called on the United Nations Security Council and other responsible actors to take swift action to prevent Israel's aggression from expanding beyond Palestinian territories and sparking wider conflict across the Middle East.

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Israel bars UN secretary-general from entering country

Türkiye's anti-terror resolve

On regional issues, the declaration underlined Türkiye's determination to maintain a constructive approach in promoting cooperation, stability and peace in both the Mediterranean and Aegean regions.

It warned against any attempt to exploit Türkiye’s genuine efforts, stressing that acting with common sense remains the wisest path forward for all parties involved.

National Security Council was also briefed on the determined and successful operations conducted both domestically and abroad against threats to the country’s unity, solidarity, and survival, including the terrorist organisations PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG, FETO, and Daesh, alongside recent international developments.

The statement emphasised that Türkiye will continue its operations against terrorist groups entrenched in Syrian territory without interruption, and reject any plans and actions that would jeopardise national security.

It also highlighted the need to enhance efforts toward resolving the Syrian conflict in accordance with the region's interests and the expectations of the Syrian people.

Furthermore, the declaration reaffirmed Türkiye’s commitment to strengthening cooperation with neighboring Iraq in combating terrorist organisations, particularly the PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG, which pose a common threat to both countries. It also underlined Türkiye’s dedication to supporting the security, peace, and prosperity of the Iraqi people.

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