Türkiye vows to eliminate all PKK terrorist elements in Iraq, Syria

Türkiye's National Security Council expresses determination to stamp out PKK terrorist organisation and its branches, as well as the support provided to them, from the region.

The Council emphasised that coordination and cooperation with neighbouring Iraq would be elevated to more advanced stages with the expansion of the contractual foundation between the two countries. / Photo: AA

The Council emphasised that coordination and cooperation with neighbouring Iraq would be elevated to more advanced stages with the expansion of the contractual foundation between the two countries. / Photo: AA

Türkiye's National Security Council, convened under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has vowed to eliminate terrorism, stressing that "no fait accompli detrimental to national security and the territorial integrity of neighbouring countries would be allowed".

The security council determined that "PKK/PYD/YPG, which has turned the territories it usurped in Iraq and Syria into terrorist havens, and the support provided to them, would be eliminated along with all their elements in the region," the Communications Directorate reported following Tuesday's meeting.

The Council emphasised that coordination and cooperation with neighbouring Iraq would be elevated to more advanced stages with an expansion of the contractual foundation between the two countries.

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Türkiye vows to end terrorism

Israel's war on Gaza

The Council further expressed concern over Israel's ongoing atrocities in Palestine's Gaza, condemning Tel Aviv and criticising the lack of a sincere and effective response from the West.

"The practices to suppress the voices rising from all over the world calling for an end to Israel's crimes against humanity exposed the insincerity of those claiming to uphold the rule of law, democracy, and freedom of expression," the Council determined, according to the Communications Directorate statement.

"Conversely, the importance of increasing the number of countries recognising the State of Palestine and efforts to hold the perpetrators of the massacres accountable before justice was emphasised," it added.


Regional issues

The Council also reviewed the war in Ukraine, and possibilities for establishing a just and lasting peace as soon as possible were evaluated.

"The importance of continuing efforts to enhance navigational safety in the Black Sea in cooperation with littoral states was highlighted," the Communications Directorate said.

The Council also highlighted the positive developments in the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, saying: "Türkiye's support for all sincere efforts aimed at establishing permanent peace was reaffirmed".

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