Türkiye's Altun lauds reaction of youth against Israeli atrocities in Gaza

The messages relayed by young people worldwide "reveal the compassion of the youth, their approach that recognises the bare truth, and their fair attitude," says Turkish head of communications.

“We are confronted with an international system that cannot take any concrete steps against Israel's genocide in Gaza and is completely under the captivity of Zionism," Altun said. / Photo: AA

“We are confronted with an international system that cannot take any concrete steps against Israel's genocide in Gaza and is completely under the captivity of Zionism," Altun said. / Photo: AA

Fahrettin Altun, the Head of Communications of the Republic of Türkiye, has lauded the strong reaction of young people around the globe against the genocide carried out by Israel in Palestine's Gaza.

The messages they have been relaying to the world "reveal the compassion of the youth, their approach that recognises the bare truth, and their fair attitude. Therefore, we should trust this energy,” Altun said on Saturday, speaking at the 2024 edition of Next by TRT World Forum at Istanbul Zorlu Performing Arts Center.

He noted that the forum holds the premise that young people are fundamental actors and active subjects of the international community instead of passive objects.

“World systems see young people as objects to spread their ideologies. They see them as customers who will consume what they produce without questioning," Altun said, stressing that this approach must be rejected.


Failing international system

“In the world we live in today, we need the compassion, humility, sense of justice and resilience of young people," Altun said in his address to the event.

"As humanity, we need you to form a force against the global exploitation order as well as speak out against xenophobia and racism in a unified manner all over the world," he added.

Underlining that there is a crisis of justice and truth in the world, Altun added that the current international order has failed in the face of contemporary issues and that there is no search for order in response.

“We are confronted with an international system that cannot take any concrete steps against Israel's genocide in Gaza and is completely under the captivity of Zionism," the communications chief said.

"The international system has surrendered to the so-called ‘religious narrative’ of Zionism despite all its secular, enlightened discourse. And through this discourse, we have witnessed the international system trying to legitimise the genocide in Gaza," he added.

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