Two pilots killed as training aircraft crashes in central Türkiye

An aircraft belonging to the Air Forces Command took off from the 12th Air Transport Main Base Command in Kayseri for training and crashed for an unknown reason, says Türkiye's National Defence Ministry.

Search and rescue efforts have begun, the ministry stated. /Photo: AA

Search and rescue efforts have begun, the ministry stated. /Photo: AA

Two pilots were killed after a training aircraft crashed in central Türkiye, the country’s National Defence Ministry has said.

The SF-260D type aircraft belonging to the Air Forces Command, which took off from the 12th Air Transport Main Base Command in Kayseri for training, crashed for an unknown reason, the ministry said on X on Tuesday.

Search and rescue efforts have begun, it added.

After reports of a training aircraft crash, Search and rescue, and firefighting teams were dispatched to the Hasan Arpa neighbourhood in Kayseri's Kocasinan district.

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