US reinforces its base in terror group PKK/YPG-occupied region of Syria

The reinforcement includes fuel tankers, medical supplies, and ammunition, with a convoy of 40 US military vehicles.

Earlier on April 24, the US military had sent another reinforcement of 40 vehicles to its bases in the region. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

Earlier on April 24, the US military had sent another reinforcement of 40 vehicles to its bases in the region. / Photo: AA Archive

The US has sent a military reinforcement of 40 vehicles to its base in the areas occupied by the terrorist organisation PKK/YPG in Hasakah in northeastern Syria.

Local sources reported on Tuesday that a convoy of 40 US military vehicles entered the region through the al-Walid border crossing between Iraq and Syria.

The convoy, consisting of military vehicles loaded with fuel tankers, medical supplies, and ammunition, arrived at the military base in the village of Kasrek in Hasakah.

Earlier on April 24, the US military had sent another reinforcement of 40 vehicles to its bases in the region.

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US sends military convoy to its bases in Syria amid PKK/YPG occupation

US presence in Syria

The US has evacuated its bases in the region and settled around the oil fields after Türkiye's Peace Spring Operation began in October 2019 in order to prevent the formation of a terror corridor.

US forces, which continue to support the terrorist PKK/YPG, are present in many bases and military points in the regions occupied by the organisation.

Washington frequently sends reinforcements to its military bases and points in the oil fields controlled by PKK/YPG terrorists.

In its nearly 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organisation by Türkiye, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants. The YPG is PKK’s Syrian offshoot.

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