YPG/PKK continues kidnapping Northern Syria's children for recruitment

Terrorists prevent kidnapped children from contacting their families and take them to training camps for armed instruction, say local sources.

The UN's 2023 "Children and Armed Conflict" report stated that the PKK/YPG and its affiliates, operating under the name "SDG" in Syria, forcibly recruited 231 children. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

The UN's 2023 "Children and Armed Conflict" report stated that the PKK/YPG and its affiliates, operating under the name "SDG" in Syria, forcibly recruited 231 children. / Photo: AA Archive

The PKK/YPG terrorist organisation has kidnapped two more children from territories under its occupation in Northern Syria, with the intent to recruit them into its armed ranks.

Redor al Ahmed, spokesperson for the opposition group "Independent Kurdish Association," told Anadolu news agency on Tuesday that terrorists kidnapped a 14-year-old in Aleppo's Shehba region and a 13-year-old in Hasakah.

The terrorists prevent kidnapped children from contacting their families and take them to training camps for armed instruction, Ahmed noted.

The spokesperson added that since the beginning of the year, the PKK/YPG terrorist organisation has kidnapped over 35 children from the areas it occupies in Aleppo, Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, and Hasakah to forcibly recruit them for militancy.

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231 children forcibly recruited

The United Nations' 2023 "Children and Armed Conflict" report stated that the PKK/YPG and its affiliates, operating under the name "SDG" in Syria, forcibly recruited 231 children.

According to the report, the PKK/YPG and other groups killed or maimed eight children and converted 31 schools and hospitals into bases for their armed activities in Syria.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed concern over the high number of grave violations against children in Syria, emphasising the need for compliance with international humanitarian and human rights laws.

He demanded the unconditional and immediate release of all children, an end to attacks on schools and hospitals, and that these structures not be used for militancy purposes.

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