The great American debate: Is Biden mentally fit to be president again?

The world’s reaction to Biden’s performance in the first presidential debate with Trump was shock. A growing number of US voters, even hardcore Democrats, doubt his mental capability to run for the presidency.

Biden will be 82 shortly after election day in November. / Photo: Reuters

Biden will be 82 shortly after election day in November. / Photo: Reuters

US President Joe Biden’s disastrous performance in the first presidential debate against his potential Republican challenger Donald Trump has intensified concerns over the Democrat’s mental fitness to lead the world’s strongest military and economic power.

Biden will be 82 shortly after election day in November, while Trump turned 78 last month – making them two of the oldest candidates ever to run for the US presidency.

While Trump’s performance in the debate was no better as he repeatedly distorted facts and evaded pressing issues, it is Biden on whom the spotlight is focussed.

Less than a week after the debate in Atlanta, public support for the US President has dipped to alarming levels, with even his own party members openly calling on him to withdraw from the race.

Leading up to the November 5 elections, Biden’s June 27 performance sent waves of concern among the nation’s voters, as the president appeared to struggle to organise and articulate his thoughts and faced memory challenges — more than once.

The White House, however, pushed back at the criticism over the president’s health and cognitive abilities, with spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre attributing Biden's debate performance to nothing but a "bad night" compounded by a cold.

When asked to clarify Biden’s mental health and whether the president has “Alzheimer's or any form of dementia or degenerative illness that cause these sorts of lapses”, Jean-Pierre responded with a dismissive tone, saying, “I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it? It’s a no.”

“I would not see this as an episode. I would see this as what it was and what we believe it to be, which is, it was a bad night and on top of that, he had a cold,” she added.

However, polls show that voters have been uneasy about Biden's age and mental capabilities for months, with a report by Special Counsel Robert Hur exacerbating these concerns in February.

In the 388-page report on Biden's mishandling of classified documents, Special Counsel Hur described Biden as an "elderly man with a poor memory," citing several public incidents of the president appearing confused, speaking incoherently, and stumbling.

In late February, this report led Colorado Republican Congressman Ken Buck to introduce a congressional resolution urging Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office due to his age and cognitive decline.

In support of his resolution, the congressman stated, "The Hur report officially addressed what many Americans have long witnessed with their own eyes – that President Biden is no longer fit to successfully discharge the critical duties of his office."

Public concerns intensify

Public and unscripted appearances have never been Biden's strong suit, and the president's gaffes, such as mixing up the names of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sisi and referring to him as the leader of Mexico, have only fueled doubts about his mental fitness.

Post-debate, these doubts have intensified, and a new poll indicated that since February, the percentage of voters who believe Biden should not be running for president has increased from 63 percent to 72 percent, with age being their primary concern.

While an increasing number of voters, including many Democrats, questioning Biden's capabilities in office, left-leaning voters voice their dilemma.

"I lean left but have had concerns about Biden’s mental acuity for a long time – even last election when I voted for him. It’s getting difficult for me to defend him being my choice for president," one voter said.

Many others find themselves at a crossroads, unsure of whom to support.

"It makes me sad because I don’t know if I should just not vote, vote independent, or do I really just sacrifice all of my integrity by voting for a person that I don’t believe has their wits about them," another voter remarked after watching the presidential debate.

Another poll, conducted by CBS News and YouGov on June 28-29, revealed that 72 percent of registered voters do not believe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, compared to 49 percent for Trump.

Biden’s performance was so disastrous that his supporters couldn’t even take succour from Trump’s typically erratic show during the debate.

According to viewers and political analysts, the 78-year-old Republican also performed poorly, evading tough questions and distorting facts throughout the debate.


His erratic behaviour, controversial statements, and unorthodox leadership style have made many question his suitability for office.

Critics often point to his impulsive decision-making and frequent contradictions as evidence of his unsteady hand at the helm. During his presidency, psychiatrists and mental health professionals have, at times, expressed concern over Trump's mental state.

In 2017, a group of mental health experts published a book titled "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," which questioned his psychological fitness for office.

The book argued that Trump's behaviour indicated he was unfit for the presidency, citing his narcissistic tendencies, alleged lack of empathy, and raising serious questions about his judgment and cognitive clarity.

Supporters of both Biden and Trump often dismiss these criticisms as partisan attacks, arguing that their respective leaders are fully capable of performing their presidential duties.

Nevertheless, as the 2024 election looms on the horizon, the debate over the mental fitness of these two men highlights a broader issue in American politics: What role do age and mental capabilities play in shaping electoral opinion on leadership, and how do they impact voting behaviour?

The answer will be known by November.

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