
‘Palestine Drinks’ launched to combat Israeli colonisation

These Swedish-Palestinian activists have created a beverage named “Palestine Drinks” to replace Coca-Cola and provide aid to Palestinians. They tell TRT World that they are planning to sell their drinks all over the world in the coming months.Coca-Cola has been accused in the past of “supporting” the colonisation of Palestinian land, even if the firm opened a bottling plant in Gaza in 2016.</div><div><br></div><div>In 2017, the UN’s Human Rights Commissioner reportedly added Coca-Cola to a list of 150 companies “doing business in Israeli settlements in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem”, according to Haaretz. From 1967 to 1991, the Arab League officially boycotted Coca-Cola for its operations in Israel. Last November, Turkish Parliament removed Coca-Cola and “products supporting Israel” from its “restaurants, cafeterias and tea houses”.Coca-Cola has said that the “tensions” in the Middle East have affected its sales. In Türkiye, sales dropped by 22% in the last quarter of 2023 following boycott calls.

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