Westminster Watch

Westminster Watch: Does the UK Need Voting Reform?

Is the UK's voting system out of date and unfair to smaller parties? In last month's general election, the Liberal Democrats, Green Party and Reform UK all made significant gains that would have changed the makeup of the House of Commons drastically - if the country had a proportional representation voting system. So with party leaders such as Nigel Farage vowing to end the current first past the post system, is it against the will of the people to keep things as they are? From in-depth interviews with key politicians to unearthing issues that affect Britons and governance, Westminster Watch is broadcast out of London and presented by politician-turned-presenter Nick de Bois. Tune in every Monday at 17:30 GMT on TRT World. You can also watch all previous episodes on our TRT World page: https://www.trtworld.com/video/westminster-watch

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