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Westminster Watch – The Musk Effect
The world’s richest man has been making a stir in British politics over recent weeks, forcing votes in Parliament and even dictating the agenda of the Prime Minister, but Brits are divided on whether the ‘Musk effect’ is good or bad for the body politic. This week Nick sat down with former right hand man to Reform leader Nigel Farage, Gawain Towler, the author and journalist Rebecca Reid and the Spectator’s Deputy Editor and expert on all things MAGA, Freddy Gray, for a lively debate on the future of online free speech. Westminster Watch is broadcast out of London and presented by politician-turned-presenter Nick de Bois. From fierce debate to reflective thinking, Nick offers you the inside track on all the happenings inside the corridors of power in Westminster. Tune in every Friday at 20:30 GMT and throughout the week on TRT World. Make sure to follow us on X https://x.com/WestminsterTRT to not miss out on the best bits of Westminster Watch