EU's top court fines Hungary $216M for not following asylum laws

Budapest is "deliberately evading" compliance with the EU laws regarding asylum seekers, the European Court of Justice says.

Budapest has continued to restrict migrants' access to formally asking for asylum. / Photo: Reuters

Budapest has continued to restrict migrants' access to formally asking for asylum. / Photo: Reuters

The EU's top court has fined Hungary 200 million euros (216 million USD) and imposed a daily one-million-euro (1.08 million USD) penalty for failing to follow the bloc's asylum laws and illegally deporting migrants.

The fine and penalty were because Budapest "is deliberately evading" compliance with the European Union laws despite a 2020 ruling that it must uphold international procedures for asylum seekers, the European Court of Justice said.

"Since this failure to fulfil obligations constitutes an unprecedented and exceptionally serious breach of EU law, the Court orders Hungary to pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and a penalty payment of one million euros per day of delay," it said in a statement.

Hungary is ruled by Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Fidesz party, which came top in the country in EU elections held last weekend, though with a historically weaker 47.4 percent of the vote.

Budapest has continued to restrict migrants' access to formally asking for asylum and not upholding their right to stay in Hungary while their applications are processed, the court said.

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EU states seek tighter policy to send asylum seekers to third countries

New asylum rules

As a result, the court backed a European Commission request for the fine against Hungary, saying it was pursuing a path that "seriously undermines the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility between the member states."

EU member countries have to present national plans by December on how they will apply new asylum rules that will come into force in 2026.

Those rules will make the bloc's borders tougher for irregular migrants, who would face quicker vetting procedures, with accelerated deportations for those found ineligible to claim asylum.

New border centres would be created to hold migrants while their asylum requests are constituted and studied.

The new rules also require EU countries to take in thousands of asylum-seekers from "frontline" states such as Italy and Greece — or provide money or other resources to the under-pressure nations instead.

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