French PM, far-right chief, left-wing lawmaker clash in ill-tempered debate

PM Gabriel Attal, far-right Jordan Bardella, left-wing MP Manuel Bompard trade accusations in a bruising live TV encounter, holding discussion on issues often drowned by a cacophony of voices.

Attal accuses his far-right and left-wing political opponents of "promising the Moon" in a three-way televised debate ahead of next Sunday's first round of early parliamentary elections. / Photo: AFP

Attal accuses his far-right and left-wing political opponents of "promising the Moon" in a three-way televised debate ahead of next Sunday's first round of early parliamentary elections. / Photo: AFP

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, chief of the main far-right party Jordan Bardella and hard-left MP Manuel Bompard have clashed in an ill-tempered debate that exposed fierce tensions less than a week ahead of the most polarising election in decades.

Attal, Bardella and Bompard exchanged accusations in a sometimes bruising live TV encounter on Tuesday, where discussion of issues was often drowned by a cacophony of voices.

Bardella's National Rally (RN) still has a clear lead in opinion polls ahead of Sunday's first round of voting in the parliamentary elections, followed by the left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) coalition with President Emmanuel Macron's centrist alliance lagging in third.

At just 28, Bardella could become the first far-right prime minister in France's modern history after the second round on July 7, although he has said he will only take the job if the RN wins an absolute majority in parliament.

Bardella vowed that "if the French give me their confidence, I will be the Prime Minister of purchasing power", pledging cuts to VAT and tax breaks for the under 30s.

"I am Prime Minister. The difference with me is that I do not want to lie to the French," retorted Attal.

"Jordan Bardella says every time that he will reduce VAT as if by magic but without saying how he will finance it," he added.

Bompard meanwhile told the Premier, "You are badly placed to give lessons on the economy, given your record."

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Back and forth

Attal, 35, portrayed himself as a safe pair of hands with experience of the realities of power, repeatedly asking Bardella, " How will you finance it?" and saying, "I will remain serious."

"Excuse me, Mr Teacher!" Bardella bristled at one point, while adding that "if you were credible, we would not be here at all" — a reference to Macron's dissolution of parliament following his party's third place in European elections.

"Mr Attal, be humble tonight, please," Bardella said.

"Stop your cinema, please. You are not at the level of your office."

Attal also rounded on Bardella for his controversial proposal to ban French dual nationals from sensitive strategic posts.

"The message that you send is dual nationals are half nationals," he said.

The RN leader said, for his part, he would "drastically reduce migratory flows" if he becomes Prime Minister.

"There are millions of French who do not recognise the France that they grew up in," he said.

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Why did Emmanuel Macron call a snap election, and what's at stake?

'Hard to understand'

Regardless of the result, Macron has vowed to stay on as president until the end of his second term in 2027.

He has been criticised for calling the snap election after his party suffered a drubbing in the European election earlier this month.

Parliament speaker Yael Braun-Pivet, a senior member of the ruling Renaissance party, acknowledged that the French "have found it hard to understand" the dissolution.

Former Premier Edouard Philippe, who leads an allied centrist party, said simply that Macron had "killed the presidential majority".

An Ifop poll has the RN on 36 percent support, the left-wing NFP on 29.5 percent and Macron's camp on 20.5 percent, leading the unpopular president's allies to beg him to step back from the campaign.

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