In pictures: Migrants knocking on Europe's doors
After regime attacks on Idlib displaced hundreds of thousands of Syrians towards Turkey, the country has opened its borders with Greece. TRT World is documenting the plight of the migrants who seek a new life in the EU. But does the EU want them?
A migrant woman sits amidst her belongings in plastic bags, wearing a mask that she hopes will protect her against coronavirus.
At the border between Turkey's Edirne city and Greece’s Kastanies town, Greek soldiers are using brute force to send back any asylum seekers who have managed to cross over or come too close. Greece has not shied away from using bullets, tear gas shells and even physical torture, to avert any irregular crossings into its territory.
According to Turkey’s Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, “The number of asylum seekers passing from Edirne to Greece as of 12:10 (0910 GMT on March 6, 2020) is 142 thousand 175”.
Due to the cold weather conditions, the asylum seekers, who have arrived at the border with barely more than what they are wearing, save for a few blankets, are suffering. They are erecting makeshift tents with plastic covers and burning sticks they have collected from the woods to keep warm.
It is unclear how long the standoff between Turkey and Greece will continue. Meanwhile, the asylum seekers are the ones who are waiting expectantly, despite the dire conditions.
A man carries his daughter who is bundled up against harsh winter conditions at the border between Turkey and Greece in Edirne, Turkey.
A young child makes a face as he looks from behind a police barrier.
A young migrant catches some sleep under trees out in the open, fully clothed to stave away the cold.
A man and his family including young children find shelter at a makeshift tent.
A young man collects wood to use in a fire to warm up in winter conditions at Turkey’s border with Greece.
A young migrant boy who has finished his bottle of milk smiles happily despite the dire situation at the Turkey-Greece border.
Thousands of migrants have travelled to Edirne to try their luck at the Turkey-Greek border, hoping to cross over to Europe. Most don’t own anything but a few bags of belongings.
A young man displays the marks left from torture he says he suffered at the hands of Greek police. He was beaten and stripped near Greece's Kastanies town.
Young men who say they were beaten, stripped bare by the Greek police and sent back to Turkey without their belongings try to keep warm around a bonfire during winter conditions.
Young men have resorted to wearing thin plastic vests after losing their clothes to the Greek authorities who have sent them back to Turkey without their belongings.
At the Turkey-Greece border, It is very important to keep the morale up. Young asylum seekers gather around a small fire to keep warm and exchange stories.