Türkiye neutralises 4 PKK terrorists in N Iraq, including high-level target

Terrorists, including 1 wanted in red category, targeted in Operation Claw-Lock zone, says Turkish National Defence Ministry.

​​​​​​​The PKK is known for using northern Iraq, near the Turkish border, as a hideout to plot terror attacks on Türkiye./ Photo: AA Archive

​​​​​​​The PKK is known for using northern Iraq, near the Turkish border, as a hideout to plot terror attacks on Türkiye./ Photo: AA Archive

Turkish security forces have neutralised at least four PKK terrorists in northern Iraq.

Terrorists, including Yusuf Kalkan who was wanted in the red category, were neutralised in an air operation in the Operation Claw-Lock zone, National Defence Ministry said on Tuesday in a statement.

Kalkan, codenamed "Sevkan Cele," was wanted for the crimes of "being a member of the armed terrorist organisation" and "establishing or leading an armed terrorist organisation."

​​​​​​​The PKK is known for using northern Iraq, near the Turkish border, as a hideout to plot terror attacks on Türkiye.

Türkiye's wanted list is divided into five color-coded categories, with red as the most wanted, followed by blue, green, orange, and gray.

In its nearly 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK - listed as a terrorist organisation by Türkiye, the US, and EU - has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.

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